The official website for the City of London, Ontario
Where to go to find information on living in London. centrifugal pump
London’s Labatt Memorial Park is the world's longest continuously operating baseball grounds, a 144-year streak recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.
Where to find information on the City of London's Government.
London is known as “The Forest City” because the city was originally located in the middle of a forest.
Where to go to find information on the City of London's business and development.
The Blackfriars Bridge in London was built in 1875 and remains operational. This structure underwent restoration in 2017.
The Basement Flooding Grant Program is designed to provide financial assistance to property owners who experience basement flooding in their home. The program helps mitigate and prevent basement flooding incidents by offering funding for eligible flood protection measures such as weeping tile disconnection with redirection to a new sump pump and backwater valves.
The applicant(s) must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for grant funding (at the discretion of the City Engineer):
Properties that are not eligible for this Program are condominiums (other than vacant land condominiums), and non-residential properties including but not limited to institutional, industrial and commercial properties.
For further questions about the Basement Flooding Grant By-law, or to find out if you qualify for the grant program, please contact Sewer Engineering at or call 519-661-2489 ext. 5489.
1 If weeping tiles are not present, eligibility for backwater valve is assessed by the City on risk of sanitary sewer surcharging.
2 For duplexes, the backwater valve can only serve one dwelling unit.
3 Instead of backwater valve.
4For semi-detached dwellings, both sides of the building are required to disconnect their weeping tiles, in order to receive any grant funding. For dwelling units with independent weeping tiles, written confirmation from a licensed plumber is required.
5 These works are not eligible for existing sump pits and pumps.
The grant program does not cover maintenance, repair, or replacement of existing sump pits and pumps. Only new installations are eligible for consideration under the program.
**The Basement Flooding Grant Program does not provide funding for the installation of new weeping tiles (interior or exterior), repairs of floor or wall cracks, or any waterproofing services.
When the work is complete, fill out the application (page 2) and submit it, with the paid invoice detailing all the work that was completed, to, or by mail to:
London, Ontario N6A 4L9
Attention: Basement Flooding Grant Program
Subject to approval of the submission, the City will issue a cheque for the grant within 2-6 weeks.
There are many different sources of basement flooding. Cracks in the foundation, plugged toilets and blocked sewer drains are the most common reasons homes flood.
series parallel pump Properly taking care of your home and yard can help prevent flooding.