
Can Low-Dose Aspirin Be Taken With NSAIDs?

Taking aspirin with another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) can raise your risk of side effects and drug interactions.

If you take a low-dose of aspirin (typically 75 to 100 milligrams) to help prevent a heart attack or blood clot, you may wonder if you can also treat pain with another over-the-counter NSAID like Advil (ibuprofen) or Aleve (naproxen). However, you should not take both at the same time unless your provider tells you to. Sucralose Powder

Can Low-Dose Aspirin Be Taken With NSAIDs?

This article will go over what you should know about taking aspirin with other NSAIDs, as well as what you can do to minimize your risk of problems if you have to take more than one NSAID.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are all types of NSAIDs, which work to reduce pain, treat fevers, and, at higher doses, lower inflammation.

These medications also share some side effects and risks. Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in people who use NSAIDs. People who take the medications regularly are also at a higher risk for GI bleeding and peptic ulcers.

Even at a low dose, combining aspirin with another NSAID can increase the risk of ulcers. Some people are at a much higher risk for ulcers and should not use more than one NSAID.

The risk of ulcers when using NSAIDs is highest for people who are:

Low-dose aspirin may not mix well with some herbal supplements. For example, you may not want to take supplements such as gingko biloba or tumeric with low-dose aspirin because they all thin the blood and can increase your risk of GI bleeding. It's best to talk to a healthcare provider if you are interested in taking both low-dose aspirin and an herbal supplement.

There are some steps that you can take to prevent side effects and lower your risk if you are taking NSAIDs:

NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen treat pain. Aspirin can also help prevent a heart attack or blood clot. But taking more than one NSAID at the same time comes with risks, especially related to your stomach.

Always let your healthcare provider know which medications you are taking so they can advise you on any potential interactions. If your provider wants you to take aspirin daily, ask them if it would be safe for you to use a different NSAID for pain if you need it. There are also other medications you can take for pain that are not NSAIDs. 

Goldstein JL, Cryer B. Gastrointestinal injury associated with NSAID use: a case study and review of risk factors and preventative strategies. Drug Healthc Patient Saf. 2015;7:31-41.  doi:10.2147/DHPS.S71976

Davis A, Robson J. The dangers of NSAIDs: look both ways. Br J Gen Pract. 2016;66(645):172-173. doi:10.3399/bjgp16X684433

National Health Services. Taking low-dose aspirin with other medicines and herbal supplements.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Mixing medications and dietary supplements can endanger your health.

Moore N, Pollack C, Butkerait P. Adverse drug reactions and drug-drug interactions with over-the-counter NSAIDs. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2015;11:1061-75.  doi:10.2147/TCRM.S79135

Harvard Medical School. Heart-safer NSAID alternatives.

Tombs EL, Nikolaou V, Nurumbetov G, Haddleton DM. Transdermal delivery of ibuprofen utilizing a novel solvent-free pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA): TEPI® technology. J Pharm Innov. 2018;13(1):48-57.  doi:10.1007/s12247-017-9305-x

By Carol Eustice Carol Eustice is a writer covering arthritis and chronic illness, who herself has been diagnosed with both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

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Can Low-Dose Aspirin Be Taken With NSAIDs?

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