
What Is a Lab-Grown Diamond? Here's Everything to Know

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What Is a Lab-Grown Diamond? Here's Everything to Know

Jessica Booth is a journalist with over 10 years of experience and a freelance writer whose work has appeared on sites such as Bustle, Insider, and Refinery29.

Shoppers are becoming more curious about lab-grown diamonds, and it's not hard to see why. Aesthetically, they appear identical to mined stones and are just as ideal for everyday wear. Best of all? Lab-grown diamonds come in at a lower price point and are a more sustainable option for those with eco-conscious sensibilities.

That being said, though lab-created stones are currently shaking up the diamond industry, many people still don't understand what they are and whether or not they're worth the spend. Don't worry, though: We put together a guide to help dissect everything there is to know about these sustainable rocks.

If you're currently on the hunt for diamond jewelry, especially an engagement ring, we spoke with three experts to help explain what lab-grown diamonds are and why you should consider purchasing these stones for your wedding and beyond. Read on for more.

Lab-grown diamonds are, as the name suggests, diamonds created in a lab rather than hundreds of miles underneath the Earth's surface. What's most important to know, however, is that these stones are formed in a location that mimics the high temperature and pressure found within the Earth's surface—meaning, "they are chemically, physically, and optically identical to earth-mined diamonds," explains Priyanka Mehta, designer and founder of Nue.

If you look at a lab-grown diamond and a mined stone side by side, you likely won't notice any differences—and that's exactly the point. "It is an incredibly innovative process, making it possible to offer an identical alternative to natural diamonds," adds Ornello Siso, co-founder of Idyl. "What takes the earth millions of years to grow, can now be achieved in a matter of weeks."

The main difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds is their origin. Again, lab-grown stones are made in a controlled environment, while natural diamonds are mined from below the Earth's surface. "A natural diamond is formed over billions of years under the surface of the earth and a lab-grown diamond is grown over three to six weeks in a lab," Mehta explains.

Another notable difference is that lab-grown diamonds are widely considered to be a sustainable and ethical choice. Given that the practice of mining diamonds has been under scrutiny for many years—especially as it relates to the notion of "blood diamonds" and their negative environmental impact—lab-created stones are an ethical alternative that helps minimize unfavorable consequences to the environment and society. Siso also notes that lab-created diamonds are fully traceable, while mined diamonds are oftentimes difficult to trace.

Finally, lab-grown diamonds are a more cost-friendly and accessible choice. "For instance, for a two-carat halo ring of cultivated diamonds, you might pay $6,000. Whereas, a natural diamond version of that same ring could be closer to $23,000," says Anna Bario, designer and co-founder of Bario Neal.

Though lab-grown diamonds may have been difficult to find at one point, there is now a growing list of brands and retailers that sell these sustainable stones. Here's what to keep in mind when searching for these jewels.

Be sure that any lab-created diamond over half a carat is certified, most commonly by the International Gemological Institution. "The grading system for earth-mined and lab-grown diamonds is the same, and the only difference listed on the certificate is the origin," explains Mehta.

If sustainability is at the forefront of your mind, it's essential to research the retailer before purchasing a lab-grown diamond ring. "It is important to consider that lab-grown diamonds are often mass-produced in India and China, and not all labs are using renewable energy to grow their diamonds," Mehta warns.

Bario further stresses the importance of questioning the origin of any brand's lab-grown diamonds, including asking questions like "Are they produced in the USA? Are there any carbon offsets made during the manufacturing? Where are the diamonds faceted and polished?" She also recommends checking for the below before officially making your purchase:

One of the most obvious pros of lab-grown diamonds is the price. "You can get an upgrade in color grade, higher clarity, better cut, and bigger size at a more interesting price point," Siso says. In general, the price for a large, flawless lab-grown diamond can be significantly cheaper than its natural diamond counterpart, which makes it an attractive option for many.

Additionally, and as mentioned several times before, lab-grown diamonds are an eco-friendly choice. "In most cases, they only pass through two to three hands before they reach the consumer," Mehta says. "It is possible to clearly track the energy consumption used to grow a lab-grown diamond and to continually improve the process. There is no fear of mining, smuggling, or civil war when it comes to lab-grown diamonds."

As far as cons go, it's hard to find too many negative attributes associated with lab-grown diamonds: they're nearly identical to natural stones and come in at a less expensive price point. However, for some consumers, the reason they'll never be as "special" is based on their origin. "They don't have the same romantic story of being created over three billion years," Mehta says. It's also worth noting that lab-grown diamonds don't hold their value the same way natural diamonds do.

Lastly, many people immediately assume all lab-grown diamonds are sustainable and ethical, and that's just not the case. "The marketing of lab-grown as a more sustainable and ethical, not to mention more affordable, option for diamonds and engagement rings really took off in recent years," Bario says. "It’s important to note that with increased visibility, we also need education around the true impacts of lab-grown diamonds. They may be more affordable, but they are not always more sustainable. It depends on how they were created. Just as with natural diamonds, no jewelry designer can honestly claim 100 percent sustainability, so consumers still need to do their research if that’s their priority."

Despite the fact that they were created in a controlled environment, lab-grown diamonds are definitely considered real. "In 2018, the FTC ruled lab-grown diamonds as real diamonds and removed 'natural' from the definition of a diamond, since there was no difference between them except their origin," Siso points out. "Lab-grown diamonds are visually, physically, and chemically identical to natural diamonds."

Lab-grown diamonds do not hold their value the same way natural diamonds do, but this is not because one stone is better than the other. Since natural diamonds are formed over several years and come from the earth, they're origin gives them an advantage when it comes to valuation. "Natural diamonds have a price history of thousands of years, whereas lab-grown diamonds are new and their prices have come down significantly since they entered the market, so it can be difficult to say or predict their value over time," Bario says.

What Is a Lab-Grown Diamond? Here's Everything to Know

HPHT lab grown diamonds To the naked eye, it's impossible to tell the difference between a lab-grown and a natural diamond. However, jewelers using a magnifying glass will be able to tell the difference. "Lab-grown diamonds may have metallic inclusions while natural diamonds may show feathering, pinpoint inclusions, or clouds," Bario explains.