
MDA purchasing back-up generators, emergency supplies ahead of conflict - The Jerusalem Post

Magen David Adom is preparing for possible power outages in the North in the event of Hezbollah attacks with innovative technology, MDA announced on Thursday.

Felix Lotan, senior paramedic and MDA head of disaster preparedness said "as Hezbollah threatens to conquer Israeli cities and military bases, we are preparing for fierce fighting within Israel’s borders." Small Generator

MDA purchasing back-up generators, emergency supplies ahead of conflict - The Jerusalem Post

With the threat of escalating conflict with Hezbollah, the organization is creating protocols for emergency response if power across the country is cut. According to MDA, this involves "planning alternative energy sources and implementing a series of drills" to practice for if technology cannot be used, which emergency services are usually reliant on. Event of blackout

It should be noted that blackout events can occur for a number of reasons: natural disasters, earthquakes and extreme weather, as well as war, said MDA in a previous statement.MDA prepares for conflict-related power shortages with training exercises (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)

MDA has purchased back-up generators for its stations throughout the country, said Felix Lotan, a 23-year-veteran with MDA who has been involved in international relief missions in Haiti, Nepal, and Texas. MDA is also cooperating with Israel's Health Ministry to document all patients who rely on ventilator support, as they would need to be transported to shelters with sufficient generator capacity in the event of blackout.

However, if the national cellular system were to cease functioning, the generators would not be of much use, said Lotan, as it would become impossible for dispatchers to communicate with medics, or for teams to contact MDA blood services with transfusion requests.Alternative methods of communication

Satellites are a potential solution for this. Ido Rosenblat, MDA’s chief operations officer, said: “If the radio tower has satellite capability, we can operate our communications the same way we usually do,” he explains. “We can use the same infrastructure and equipment, transferring it all to a satellite network.”

Other alternative communication options could include Medicycles relaying information. “If it becomes impossible to communicate by radio, a medic driving a Medicycle can speed over to the hospital and let them know how many patients are on the way,” said MDA.

“That would be the equivalent of somebody riding a horse a hundred years ago to deliver a message.”

“We know from experience that when Israelis need emergency treatment and can’t call us, they go to MDA stations, local medical clinics, and police stations. We will make sure that as soon as an event occurs, our medics travel to these locations,” says Lotan.

“The most important thing that we're doing is preparing our teams to react to events with casualties in multiple arenas at the same time,” continued Lotan.Stocking up on supplies

MDA stated that it is also increasing supplies of bulletproof ambulances; headlights, helmets, plank vests, and bulletproof vests; and "at least 40 large trailers with vital necessities such as gasoline, water, a generator, medical kits, and stretchers."

Lotan also said that MDA has learned from October 7, and is now better prepared for times of conflict.

“We have a lot of cooperation with the army and the police. We’re preparing for the situation, training with them, doing everything that is needed.”

MDA purchasing back-up generators, emergency supplies ahead of conflict - The Jerusalem Post

Propane Generator “We at MDA wake up every morning and ask ourselves how we can make sure we are better prepared for any emergency,” said MDA, “because when MDA is prepared, the State of Israel is more resilient.”