
The 32 Songs Avenged Sevenfold Have Never Played Live

Now that Avenged Sevenfold appear to be gearing up to release new music, we thought it'd be fun to look back on their setlist history and see which songs they've never played live.

We've done this with a couple of other bands, and it's always interesting to see which songs have never made it onto a setlist. Usually, the majority of the group's first album had been performed, because they usually don't have as many songs to choose from when they first start playing shows. Interestingly, though, that wasn't the case with Avenged Sevenfold. 3 Way Wilkinson Power Divider

The 32 Songs Avenged Sevenfold Have Never Played Live

READ MORE: M. Shadows Reveals Best Song for Someone Just Getting Into Avenged Sevenfold

We took a look at their Tour Statistics, compiled by, and plugged in all of the original songs they've officially released to see which have never been played during their concerts. Instrumentals and covers don't count, but we went through their entire discography from Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001), to their 2018 Call of Duty compilation EP Black Reign, to their 2020 remastered edition of the b-sides album Diamonds in the Rough. 

The band hasn't played since 2018, so now that those songs are out there, they're fair game to be played during the band's shows when they return.

Some other fun facts we learned while combing through Avenged's tour statistics are that their Top 3 most-played songs are "Unholy Confessions," "Bat Country" and "Afterlife," in that order. They've covered Pantera, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Guns N' Roses, The Rolling Stones and NOFX live, and the year they played the most shows was 2006 (146, to be exact).

The 32 Songs Avenged Sevenfold Have Never Played Live

Low Power Voltage Divider Scroll below to see the 32 songs Avenged Sevenfold have never played live, according to