
Self-Programming Robot Sets its Own Weld Path | ASSEMBLY

Trumpf has introduced new sensors that enable its arc welding robot to program its own weld path. Developed in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Trumpf’s new smart seam-tracking technology automatically calculates the weld path for each part.

With conventional welding robots, workers must program a new weld spot each time they want the robot to change direction. This can be time-consuming, especially for complex parts with many curves or corners. Welding Robot Working

Self-Programming Robot Sets its Own Weld Path | ASSEMBLY

Trumpf’s new seam-tracking function makes the process much simpler. Workers just need to place the robot in the start position, and the seam-tracking technology takes care of the rest. The robot uses the sensor to determine the weld path automatically. The software quickly calculates the weld spots and creates the welding program for the part. The robot is “good to go” in seconds. Specialist knowledge is not required. The intuitive user interface can be used to carry out a wide range of welding tasks, such as sealing runs and identical weld seams.

Seam tracking technology is available as an option on new TruArc Weld 1000 arc-welding machines and may be retrofitted to some newer TruArc Weld machines with cold-metal transfer technology, an optional package that ensures high reliability and energy-efficient welding with less spatter and distortion.

Trumpf Inc.

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Self-Programming Robot Sets its Own Weld Path | ASSEMBLY

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