
Florida mother facing charges after gun found in her child's lunch box at daycare - CBS Miami

March 20, 2024 / 11:17 AM EDT / CBS/CNN

FORT LAUDERDALE - A West Palm Beach mother is facing charges after a gun was found inside her child's lunch box last week at a Riveria Beach daycare. Hemp tin

Florida mother facing charges after gun found in her child

A teacher at Jackson's Daycare, who opened the lunch box and saw the gun, screamed 'gun' and another teacher came over to see it it was real.

It was. That's when they called the police. When officers arrived they discovered it was a 9-millimeter Glock 43 pistol.

Parents whose children go to the facility were stunned.

"It's bad. That's just terrifying for the other parents and for anybody at the school daycare," said Al Canscel.

"It's scary. I mean, you know when I'm sending my kid to school thinking that he's going to be safe. I mean, are they? I don't know," said Stephenne Warembourg.

Riviera police said the boy's mother, 39-year-old Shanae Davis, told them that she normally keeps the gun in her glove box but lately, her apartment complex has seen several break-ins so she's been taking the gun inside.

On Thursday, she placed the gun inside her son's lunch box because she doesn't carry a purse but she forgot to take it out. Hours later she got a call from the daycare telling her to get there right away.

Parents say while having a gun is a safety precaution, incidents like this are a reminder of how important it is to keep these weapons away from children.

"Things like that are extremely preventable. You need a gun purse, you need a plan with your gun, you have it in your gun purse, you walk into your home, it goes in a safe or a specific place, which is gun safe, just like you would make your child safe or make your pet safe," said Kimberly Worth.

Davis is facing several charges including child neglect.  

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First published on March 20, 2024 / 11:17 AM EDT

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Florida mother facing charges after gun found in her child

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