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for week ending June 12, 2024 | Release date: June 13, 2024 | Next release: June 27, 2024 | Previous weeks
Note: Monthly U.S. dry shale natural gas production by formation is now available in the Short-Term Energy Outlook.
Recent Today in Energy analysis of natural gas markets is available on the EIA website.
Daily spot prices by region are available on the EIA website.
Data source: S&P Global Commodity Insights Note: This table reflects any data revisions that may have occurred since the previous week's posting. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline deliveries represent natural gas sendout from LNG import terminals.
Data source: S&P Global Commodity Insights Note: This table reflects any data revisions that may have occurred since the previous week's posting. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline receipts represent pipeline deliveries to LNG export terminals.
Working gas stocks were revised to reflect resubmissions of data during the five-week period from May 3, 2024, to May 31, 2024, increasing stocks by 6 Bcf to 9 Bcf for each week during this period. The reported revisions caused the stocks for May 31, 2024, to change from 2,893 Bcf to 2,900 Bcf, and working gas stocks for the week ending May 24, 2024, changed from 2,795 Bcf to 2,804 Bcf. As a result, the implied net change between the weeks ending May 31, 2024, and May 24, 2024, changed from 98 Bcf to 96 Bcf. More information about the revised working gas levels can be found at:
Average temperature (°F)
7-day mean ending Jun 06, 2024
Data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Deviation between average and normal temperature (°F)
7-day mean ending Jun 06, 2024
Data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Cng Petrol Monthly U.S. dry shale natural gas production by formation is available in the Short-Term Energy Outlook.