
The first commercial Type V composite pressure vessel | CompositesWorld

AIR’s eVTOL offerings now include an unmanned variation of AIR One for cargo and logistics use, featuring its agile design across different use cases.

Long-term supply agreements include KRD for windows, Latecoere for the aircraft’s doors, as well as Rallc and Alltec supplying composites expertise for fuselage development. Lng Station

The first commercial Type V composite pressure vessel | CompositesWorld

This is Archer’s second full-scale eVTOL aircraft to achieve this milestone, critical to being able to carry commercially viable passenger payloads.

Model includes new technologies produced at Performance Manufacturing Center (PMC) in Marysville, Ohio, which is part of Honda hydrogen business strategy that includes Class 8 trucks.

The composite eVTOL developer has now received two key operational certificates required from the FAA to begin operations when Midnight receives type certification.

Ragasco composite cylinders for LPG will become part of Worthington’s Building Products business, while Hexagon/Worthington Enterprises JV will target expanding storage and transport of CNG and hydrogen.

CAMX 2024: Fast and flexible AGX-V2 Series by Shimadzu provides more intelligent operability for testing tasks, supporting composites, plastics, metals and finished products.

Moldex3D users will now be able to conduct accurate 3D fiber orientation simulations using calibrated fiber parameters.

PolyMorphic Moulding technology uses 28,000 digitally controlled pins to create a shape from a 3D CAD shape in less than 20 minutes, achieving zero waste and enabling parts production 14 times faster than 3D printing.

CAMX 2024: Trilion Quality Systems is showcasing the Aramis optical strain gage, a material-independent measurement device with 3D-DIC capabilities.

An Aurora and Boeing team advances its high-speed, vertical lift concept to the preliminary design phase, which features three lift fans, a more refined composite exterior and an uncrewed cockpit.

Nesting, design, GUI and viewing features have been improved or added to the composites design software tool.

Certification covers Tenax carbon fiber production at Heinsberg-Oberbruch, Germany, plant, adds to Teijin’s certifications for carbon fiber and PAN in Japan.

In an interview with one of Aptera’s co-founders, CW sheds light on the inspiration behind the crowd-funded solar electric vehicle, its body in carbon (BinC) and how composite materials are playing a role in its design.  

Based on military feedback, Epsilon Composite developed an optimized, foldable stretcher that combines telescopic pull-wound carbon fiber tubes.

Equipment investment will enable the plastics processor to mass produce fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites continuously, as well as adapt to specific needs.

Taiwan-based company offers rCF product design and development with significant CO2 emission reductions and certified material traceability.   

CAMX 2024: Closed-cell Elfoam products offered by Elliott Co. of Indianapolis offer a number of benefits, making it flexible from large-volume to one-off composites projects. 

Additional financing is being secured to service automated fiber steering demand, build first RTS production facility in Gloucester.

Composite curing oven meets customer needs with ability to cure complex synthetic and composite parts.

In an interview with one of Aptera’s co-founders, CW sheds light on the inspiration behind the crowd-funded solar electric vehicle, its body in carbon (BinC) and how composite materials are playing a role in its design.  

Based on military feedback, Epsilon Composite developed an optimized, foldable stretcher that combines telescopic pull-wound carbon fiber tubes.

CAMX 2024: Schmidt & Heinzmann customers are able to produce SMC or dry fiber fabric stacks more efficiently thanks to the AutoCut Pick&Place system.

High-angle AFP head featuring MTorres’ latest upgrades advances fabrication of wing skins and covers for the F-35.  

Increasingly, prototype and production-ready smart devices featuring thermoplastic composite cases and other components provide lightweight, optimized sustainable alternatives to metal.

CW explores key composite developments that have shaped how we see and think about the industry today.

Knowing the fundamentals for reading drawings — including master ply tables, ply definition diagrams and more — lays a foundation for proper composite design evaluation.

Performing regular maintenance of the layup tool for successful sealing and release is required to reduce the risk of part adherence.

With COVID in the past and passengers flying again, commercial aircraft production is ramping up. The aerocomposites supply chain is busy developing new M&P for an approaching next-generation aircraft program.

Electrification and a focus on sustainability lead to opportunities and innovations in composites, from battery enclosures to structural components and more.

In addition to its proven fire resistance as a pure foam and within a sandwich composite system, the new material offers efficient manufacturing of 3-dimensional geometries and opens new possibilities for direct function integration. Agenda:  Manufacturing process of thermoplastic particle foams Sandwich composite component requirements of commercial aircraft interior structures (e.g. FST, Heat Release) Function integration into net shape molded foam parts (e.g. inserts) Potential use-cases in fire critical applications

Find out how outsourced, costly tooling can be produced in-house to overcome bottlenecks, reduce costs and protect IP. Agenda: Explore durable casting materials that can be 3D-printed in complex designs Discover industry-proven Sika materials now available for high-speed, additive tooling Explore the benefits of thermoset molds that ensure uniform expansion, optimum bonding with the end part, as well as high durability

Thermoplastic material systems have been used in aerospace for decades. Their use and adoption continues to grow and Trelleborg has been on the leading edge of development for many of these systems. In this webinar, Trelleborg will be presenting a range of topics from the use of in-situ, automated fiber placement of thermoplastics prepreg for structural and functional products to complex injection molding of thermoplastic interior pieces. It will explore some of the benefits these products provide and the potential for future growth and development. Agenda: Current state of thermoplastics in aerospace Thermoplastic composite use cases for high-performance electric motors and torque tubes Injection-molded thermoplastic interior pieces The future of potential for thermoplastic applications for aerospace

KraussMaffei will explain in-situ polyurethane (PUR) overmolding of injection-molded and composite parts and the development of this technology over the last decade. Waruna Seneviratne, director of the Advanced Technologies Lab for Aerospace Systems (ATLAS), will discuss how aerospace and advanced air mobility (AAM) markets can capitalize on this high-rate manufacturing solution. Agenda: What is ColorForm: process, equipment and tooling Pros and cons of the technology High technology solution examples: ColorForm automotive Market references in automotive Demand for future commercial aviation and both AAM and urban air mobility (UAM) What aerospace can learn from automotive for addressing demand for high-rate manufacturing Technological advances enabling material and process improvements for the future Role of ATLAS manufacturing innovation center for promoting advanced manufacturing and workforce development Road map for certification through manufacturing demonstrations

Discover the latest innovation in laser projection technology poised to increase accuracy, efficiency and reliability. LAP will unveil the features of its new CAD-PRO Xpert laser projection system and outline how various industries can benefit from the system's capabilities. Its cutting-edge technology platform empowers users with enhanced color range, speed and superior laser projection quality while increasing accuracy, efficiency and reliability. Explore how the advanced ergonomics of this system can reshape composite manufacturing processes across industries, ranging from aerospace and automotive to wind rotor blade production, yacht building and beyond. Agenda: Introduction of the features of the CAD-PRO Xpert Applications and advantages across industries Upgrading workplaces for enhanced digital worker guidance Modular system solutions based on the value-adding ecosystem

After having established a strong foundation in kinetic models in a previous webinar, part two delves into the exciting realm of machine learning and its transformative potential for composite manufacturing. While kinetic models have served the industry well, the growing complexity of composite manufacturing demands more sophisticated approaches. In this session, sensXPERT will explore innovative pathways to supercharge your production efficiency and enhance sustainability beyond the limits of traditional models. See how machine learning empowers composite manufacturers to achieve unprecedented accuracy in predicting key production parameters such as temperature, pressure and cure time. This translates to reduced cycle times and waste while increasing production throughput to maximize efficiency. SensXPERT will provide concrete examples and case studies demonstrating how to bridge the gap between meticulously-controlled laboratory experiments and the realities of the production floor, overcoming the limitations of kinetic models. Agenda: Define machine learning, its applications and their impact on composite manufacturing Explore real-world case studies in diverse composites manufacturing applications and how they exploit integration options Correlation analysis: uncovering hidden relationships between process parameters and product outcomes Time series analysis: forecasting production trends Anomaly detection: identifying irregularities

The 14th edition of the Graphene Conference will take place June 25-28, 2024, in Madrid, Spain. The international gathering includes thematic workshops, B2B networking and an Industrial Forum that dives into a variety of topics, including the latest developments in graphene production methods towards wide scale commercialization and examples of graphene in electronics, energy storage, aerospace and barrier applications.

The International Composites Summit (ICS) is renowned as the only solely focused UK event for professionals involved in the composites industry. ICS promises to be a unique platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and exploring the latest advancements in composite materials internationally, bringing people together to do business.

Join us at the ACCE 2023 event and learn about how the automotive and transportation industries are advancing with composites playing a key role in the development of electric vehicles and sustainability initiatives worldwide.  Lightweight composites are ideal materials for improving vehicle performance, reducing mass, extending range and compensating for battery weight.  Polymer composites are enabling lower emission vehicles, reducing the carbon footprint and saving energy to benefit the environment now and in the future.  Thermoset and thermoplastic composites are the key to EV, Mobility and Sustainability. 

The International Composites Summit (ICS), THE single place to do the most cost effective and sustainable composites business in the UK, is back for its highly anticipated 2023 edition, bringing together industry leaders, researchers, and innovators from across the composites sector. ICS promises to be a unique platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and exploring the latest advancements in composite materials internationally, bringing people together to do business. The International Composites Summit is renowned as the only solely focused UK event for professionals involved in the composites industry.

CAMX is your best source for new solutions, technologies, and ideas you need for your current and future projects. CAMX makes it easy to watch live process demos, see materials and interactive displays on what may be possible in the future, and meet with hundreds of manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers.

Thousands of people visit our Supplier Guide every day to source equipment and materials. Get in front of them with a free company profile.

Jetcam’s latest white paper explores the critical aspects of nesting in composites manufacturing, and strategies to balance material efficiency and kitting speed.

Arris presents mechanical testing results of an Arris-designed natural fiber thermoplastic composite in comparison to similarly produced glass and carbon fiber-based materials.

Cevotec, a tank manufacturer, Roth Composite Machinery and Cikoni, have undertaken a comprehensive project to explore and demonstrate the impact of dome reinforcements using FPP technology for composite tanks.   

Initial demonstration in furniture shows properties two to nine times higher than plywood, OOA molding for uniquely shaped components.

The composite tubes white paper explores some of the considerations for specifying composite tubes, such as mechanical properties, maintenance requirements and more.

Foundational research discusses the current carbon fiber recycling landscape in Utah, and evaluates potential strategies and policies that could enhance this sustainable practice in the region.

Based on military feedback, Epsilon Composite developed an optimized, foldable stretcher that combines telescopic pull-wound carbon fiber tubes.

While the world continues to wait for new single-aisle program announcements from Airbus and Boeing, it’s clear composites will play a role in their fabrication. But in what ways, and what capacity?

The total index reading backed down in May from its anticipated expansion, contracting again to land at 46.8.

Upon his one-year anniversary as editor-in-chief of CW, Scott Francis looks back at some of the brand’s changes and hints at where it might be heading next.

In 2018, Teijin broke ground on a facility that is reportedly the largest capacity carbon fiber line currently in existence. The line has been fully functional for nearly two years and has plenty of room for expansion.

Spanish startup Reinforce3D’s continuous fiber injection process (CFIP) involves injection of fibers and liquid resin into hollow parts made from any material. Potential applications include sporting goods, aerospace and automotive components, and more.

PolyMorphic Moulding technology uses 28,000 digitally controlled pins to create a shape from a 3D CAD shape in less than 20 minutes, achieving zero waste and enabling parts production 14 times faster than 3D printing.

Proof-of-concept part used bio-based acrylontrile precursor with same performance as conventional CFRP but with significantly less CO2.

Recent conference in Denver, Colorado, emphasized the tools and knowledge composites manufacturers will need to meet customer and government sustainability goals.

Ultra-lightweight and made of recycled composites, the Eco Bracket cuts weight and cost in half and reduces CO2 emissions, in addition to providing high performance.

Brudeli’s patented plug-in Powerhybrid technology will use Hexagon Agility CNG/RNG fuel system with Type 4 tanks, enabling Class 7 and 8 trucks to meet ACT and ACF regulations.  

Envalior 30% glass fiber-reinforced Akulon RePurposed material helps Ahrend achieve lighter task chair with closed-loop value chain and reduced emissions.

In the Automated Composites Knowledge Center, CGTech brings you vital information about all things automated composites.

The composites industry is increasingly recognizing the imperative of sustainability in its operations. As demand for lightweight and durable materials rises across various sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, there is a growing awareness of the environmental impact associated with traditional composite manufacturing processes.

Closed mold processes have many advantages over open molding. In this knowledge center, learn the basics and vital tools needed to produce parts accurately.

CW’s editors are tracking the latest trends and developments in tooling, from the basics to new developments. This collection, presented by Composites One, features four recent CW stories that detail a range of tooling technologies, processes and materials.

CompositesWorld’s CW Tech Days: Infrastructure event offers a series of expert presentations on composite materials, processes and applications that should and will be considered for use in the infrastructure and construction markets.

Explore the cutting-edge composites industry, as experts delve into the materials, tooling, and manufacturing hurdles of meeting the demands of the promising advanced air mobility (AAM) market. Join us at CW Tech Days to unlock the future of efficient composites fabrication operations.

Thermoplastics for Large Structures, experts explored the materials and processing technologies that are enabling the transition to large-part manufacturing.

Explore the technologies, materials, and strategies that can help composites manufacturers become more sustainable.

A report on the demand for hydrogen as an energy source and the role composites might play in the transport and storage of hydrogen.

This collection features detail the current state of the industry and recent success stories across aerospace, automotive and rail applications.

This collection details the basics, challenges, and future of thermoplastic composites technology, with particular emphasis on their use for commercial aerospace primary structures.

This collection features recent CW stories that detail a range of tooling technologies, processes and materials.

Composites Technology Development's first commercial tank in the Type V category presages growth of filament winding in storage of compressed gases.

The evolution of vessels and tanks designed to hold liquids and gases under pressure has proceeded through four distinct stages: all-metal tanks (Type I), metal hoop-wrapped composite tanks (Type II), metal-lined composite tanks (Type III) and plastic-lined composite tanks (Type IV). The fifth stage, an all-composite, linerless Type V tank has been the pressure vessel industry’s Holy Grail for years (see the “Tank types” sidebar at the end of this article or click on its title under "Editor's Picks," at top right). Recently, one company, Composites Technology Development Inc. (CTD, Lafayette, Colo.), successfully designed, tested and built such a tank for a real-world application.

The company’s first commercial, all-composite, linerless pressure vessel was built in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio) and the University of Texas (Austin, Texas). It was installed on the student-built FASTRAC 1 (Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relnav, Attitude and Crosslink) satellite, launched in November 2010. The 1.9L tank was approximately 6 inches (152 mm) in diameter, 7 to 8 inches (178 to 203 mm) in length and weighed only about 0.44 lb (0.2 kg). The tank was filament-wound with T700 carbon fiber supplied by Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. (Flower Mound, Texas) wet out with CTD’s proprietary KIBOKO toughened epoxy resin. It had an operational pressure of 200 psi, a proof pressure of 1,000 psi, with a burst pressure between 2,000 and 2,500 psi. The tank was used to store argon gas as a component of the satellite’s micro-discharge plasma thruster. The thruster superheats and channels the inert gas through a micro-channel nozzle, producing a micro-Newton level of thrust for orbital attitude adjustments.

Having proven its linerless pressure vessel’s mettle in space, CTD is looking to expand commercialization of the tank to more mainstream markets and applications. The company is in the process of qualifying a Type V tank for a commercial aircraft application. At the time this article went to press, CTD was building the first prototype tank for testing and had not decided whether the final version would be made of carbon or glass. Mike Tupper, CTD’s executive VP, says the goal is to have the tank qualified in the next 10 to 12 months and to make it available to the aircraft industry in the next two to three years.

CTD’s linerless tanks are expected to range from 15 to 20 percent lighter than their nearest Type IV cousins, a significant performance benefit in the aerospace/aircraft industry, which is sensitive to payload weight. A better weight-to-tank capacity ratio, however, is not the only advantage of a linerless pressure vessel, Tupper notes. Company studies indicate that after they are in full-scale production, linerless tanks will cost less to manufacture, most obviously because the costs of the liner material and liner fabrication will be eliminated. Less obvious is the fact that engineers also will have more flexibility during development to make design changes.

“Lined tanks are difficult and costly to make changes to once they are built,” says Tupper. He reports, for example, that CTD is working with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) manufacturer that is interested in having a tank similar to the one used in the FASTRAC satellite. CTD built one prototype and has since supplied commercial tanks to the UAV manufacturer. The tanks will be used to hold fuel and will operate at 200 psi. Tupper says CTD was able to increase the volume of the tank by about 15 percent through a simple modification to the tooling. In a lined tank, the liner is the tool and, therefore, would need to be redesigned.

Additionally, liner-free, all-composite tanks can be made in conformal shapes, allowing tank designers to use the space in aircraft envelopes with constrained, nonuniform geometries. This attribute, Tupper believes, will speed market penetration in the aircraft industry after the company has qualified the first tank. “During the design of an aircraft, the tank design is often left until the end, and you have to fit it to the available envelope,” Tupper explains. “It is much easier to make a conformable tank with all-composite laminate than a metal tank or a composite tank with a metal liner.”

CTD’s hopes for mainstream, high-volume Type V applications rest with innovations on three major technological fronts: materials, design and tooling. The use of a single material to manufacture a tank meant developing a laminate system that could not only provide sufficient structural strength under pressure but — critically important — also form a barrier layer that is impermeable to gases, fuels and other substances. Tupper says its KIBOKO family of toughened resins, mostly based on epoxy, is the key to CTD’s development of Type V vessels.

“When you pressurize a tank, the pressure is applied to the vessel walls in all directions, so the resin has to stretch to absorb the strain and also provide structural support by bonding to the fibers,” says Tupper. He reports that tests conducted by the company have found that KIBOKO materials form microcracks at significantly higher strain levels, at both room and cryogenic temperatures, than do standard industry materials. Although the tanks for the FASTRAC satellite and the UAV are both wet wound, the same resin also is compatible with the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process. “There are certain applications where VARTM might be a more suitable way of making a low-void laminate,” says Tupper, “as long as you can be assured of getting a reasonable fiber volume fraction.” He reports that the company is currently leaning toward VARTM to manufacture the tank for commercial aircraft.

A single-material tank that meets requisite structural and barrier performance requirements is made possible by fine-tuning the design parameters, such as fiber angle, fiber volume and laminate thickness, to create what Tupper calls a “graded composite.” Although the laminate acts as both structure and barrier in all areas of the tank, engineers can adjust the design features to vary the functionality. They can, for example, emphasize the structural or barrier properties in particular locations within the tank wall rather than apply the change to the entire tank.

Further, vessels without discrete liners require a tooling substrate that must be removed after the vessel has been cured. CTD has worked with suppliers to develop several novel tooling techniques for molding composites with trapped shapes. Tupper says the tanks for both the FASTRAC satellite and the UAV are manufactured by winding filaments around an unconventional mandrel, which is chemically dissolved in a postprocessing step. He reports, however,  that the method is suitable for tanks manufactured in small quantities but would not be cost-effective for large-scale production.

The company has worked on developing a new (pat. pend.) and more efficient method for molding trapped-shape composites, called Multiple Use Precision Extractable Tooling (MUPET). The process uses CTD’s open-cell, shape-memory TEMBO Foam, which is encased in a bladder. The tool is designed to have the desired shape of the tank. The foam is rigid enough at room temperature to enable the composite to be laid up on the foam tool, even using fiber placement and automated tape placement techniques. A composite laminate is manufactured around the mandrel using filament winding, VARTM or prepreg materials.

During cure, the bladder is pressurized to consolidate the composite. After the cure is complete, while the foam is still warm, a vacuum is applied to the foam and the volume of the tool is significantly reduced, which allows it to be extracted from the tank. After the tool is removed, the vacuum is released and the tool reportedly resumes the shape necessary to form the next tank. CTD can adapt the softening temperature of the tool to accommodate different cure cycles. The MUPET tool also can be used to create a well-consolidated composite when the layup is prepreg, without the use of an autoclave.

CTD has yet to decide which tooling methodology it will use to make tanks for commercial aircraft, but Tupper reports the company is investigating ways MUPET technology could be used to manufacture large composite tanks for NASA launch vehicles. A rocket typically has two metal tanks, one that carrries an oxidizer (usually oxygen) and another that carries fuel, such as hydrogen. “We’ve demonstrated, using our composite technology, that you can create a single tank with two compartments,” Tupper says, “so instead of having two tanks with a total of four ends, you have a more compact arrangement of one tank with two external ends and an internal bulkhead.”

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s regulations mandate lined tanks for compressed natural gas (CNG), so this particular high-volume market remains, for the time being, off limits for CTD’s linerless pressure-vessel technology. Nonetheless, Tupper believes that after the safety and reliability of linerless technology is demonstrated, its benefits could prompt regulators to amend this requirement. In the meantime, the company is finding growing interest and opportunities for its linerless tank technology in space, aerospace and light-rail specialty markets.

If steel and metal- or polymer-lined composite tanks remain the standard CNG storage vessels for now, there are several compelling reasons tank suppliers to the natural gas and transportation industries might want to revisit and improve current tank technology. First, the fuel tank on a CNG-powered vehicle is currently the single most expensive vehicle component. Second, because natural gas is domestically abundant, cheaper than gasoline and burns cleaner, it is increasingly viewed as a viable auto fuel alternative. CNG consumption in the U.S. has increased 145 percent in the past six years, according to the Consumer Energy Center (Sacramento, Calif.).

These realities prompted 3M Engineered Products and Solutions (St. Paul, Minn.) to announce recently that it will launch a complete portfolio of new Type IV CNG tanks that are 10 to 20 percent lighter — with 10 to 20 percent greater storage capacity at the same footprint, and with a lower cost — than the standard composite storage vessels (Type II through IV) currently on the market. 3M is collaborating with Chesapeake Energy Corp. (Oklahoma City, Okla.), which pledged an initial investment of $10 million for the project and committed to using the new tanks for its corporate fleet conversion to CNG. HyPerComp Engineering (Brigham City, Utah) is supplying design and certification services.

Rick Maveus, global business manager, 3M Advanced Composites, says the portfolio of tanks will provide 3M with “about 90 percent coverage,” of the CNG tank market for transportation. The first tank, with dimensions of 21.5 inches by 60 inches (54.6 cm by 152.4 cm), will be introduced in the fourth quarter of 2012. Maveus says 3M will subsequently launch one or two new tank geometries every month.

The tanks will be manufactured primarily from carbon fiber, as well as a combination of proprietary liner materials, barrier films and coatings, damage resistance films and — the key innovation and enabler in the tank technology — 3M’s nanoparticle-enhanced resin technology, 3M Matrix Resin for Pressure Vessels.

Tanks in the first phase of the launch will be manufactured by wet filament winding. Fibers will be wet out with the 3M resin via resin bath. The resin  comprises amorphous and spherical nanosilica particles, approximately 100 nm in diameter, dispersed in an epoxy resin. “What is proprietary about our nanosilica-enhanced resin is that we are able to control the surface properties of the particles so that they disperse uniformly in the resin,” Maveus says.

Uniform dispersion, along with small nominal diameters, enables the particles to flow evenly between the fibers of the composite and achieve higher loadings, which, in turn, stiffens the resin and imparts improved mechanical properties to the composite. The nanoparticles are loaded into the composite matrix at levels of 40 to 50 percent, compared to loadings of 1 to 2 percent typically achieved with a carbon nanotube-infused laminating resin system. “The aspect ratio — surface to volume — of carbon nanotubes fundamentally limits loading,” Maveus notes. 3M reports that vessels made with the silica nanoparticle-enhanced resin show a 6 to 8 percent improvement in burst pressure, a 30 percent improvement in burst-pressure-after-impact and a 55 percent increase in fatigue life, compared to vessels made with conventional epoxy resins.

The higher modulus and fracture toughness afforded by the silica-filled epoxy/carbon fiber composite enables a tank design that weighs less but has greater capacity in the same footprint. In the U.S., service pressure for a CNG tank is 3,600 psi. Tom Hannum, business development manager at Hypercomp Engineering, says the firm was able to arrive at a proprietary design for the tank that achieves the same service pressure with less material. Hannum says the design strategy targets the most popular and widely used tank geometries on the market. The first tank will be certified to the American National Standards Institute’s revised compressed natural gas vehicle fuel container certification standard (NGV2, 2007) shortly before its release to the market.

Maveus notes that barrier, liner and film technologies will become increasingly important when looking at other opportunities. This will be especially true for those who develop pressure-vessel technologies for more exotic fuels, such as hydrogen, where the risk of permeation is no small matter. “No Type IV tank has been able to sufficiently address the permeation problem with hydrogen,” he points out, noting that 3M Advanced Composites intends to apply its tank technology to this application, down the road.

Offering its first tank in the Type IV category, GASTANK Sweden AB, a new subsidiary of HFC Sweden AB (Norrfjärden, Sweden), has opened for business with a focus on designing and manufacturing tanks and systems for CNG and compressed bio-gas for cars. Its first tank for commercial use is the 32L capacity Gastank, with a liner made of Akulon Fuel Lock, a polyamide 6,6 thermoplastic resin system supplied by DSM Engineering Plastics (Sittard, The Netherlands). DSM reports that tests of a tank molded from Akulon with a nominal 2-mm/0.079-inch wall thickness exhibited an evaporative emission rate 20 percent less than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s limit for CNG tanks. The liner is overwound (via filament winding) with trademarked HiPer-tex high-performance glass fiber, supplied by 3B-the fiberglass co. (Battice, Belgium). GASTANK Sweden is billing the product as a “zero-permeation cylinder,” based on gas permeation tests conducted by Powertech Labs Inc. (Surrey, British Columbia, Canada). Tim Vorage, application development manager at DSM, contends that Akulon Fuel Lock not only demonstrates in tests a permeation factor “at least 150 times lower than high-density polyethylene (HDPE), it also significantly limits creep under extreme temperatures at the cylinder’s neck, thanks to a 50°C higher temperature resistance than HDPE.”

Another new entry in the Type IV segment, the GENIE, was introduced in March by Linde Gases, a division of Linde Group (Munich, Germany). The steel-lined tanks are strengthened with filament-wound SIGRAFIL C50 T024 EPY, a 24K carbon fiber supplied by SGL Carbon SE (Wiesbaden, Germany). The selected fiber grade has enhanced strength and stiffness and was developed specifically for high-performance applications, such as pressure vessel winding. Additionally, the tank exterior is encased in an HDPE jacket. The company reports that the GENIE is significantly lighter than its steel counterparts and — unlike most tanks, which are manufactured in a standard cylindrical shape with rounded ends — is ergonomically designed for stable stacking (see photo, ).

GENIE gas pressure vessels currently come in a range of pressures, including a 300 bar/4,350 psi version that has 30 percent more capacity than its standard 200 bar/2,900 psi all-steel counterparts. GENIE tanks come in three sizes suitable for different gases and mixtures, including argon, shielding gases, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide (CO2), refrigerants and liquid petroleum gas (LPG).

Copolyester- and copolyamide-based adhesive films eliminate the need for sewing threads or binders when stacking laminates while improving the final part’s mechanical properties.

Conductive Composites expands its portfolio of multifunctional electrically conductive composite materials with a new line of NiShield nonwovens and NiBond electrically conductive two-part structural epoxy adhesive.  

There are numerous methods for fabricating composite components. Selection of a method for a particular part, therefore, will depend on the materials, the part design and end-use or application. Here's a guide to selection.

Competitive sailing team prepares for the 37th America’s Cup beginning in August 2024 with adhesives, resins and laminate testing services for its AC75 monohull construction.

Infinite Composites incorporates Applied Graphene Materials’ graphene technology into two resin systems for cryogenic pressure vessels being considered for NASA missions.

The role of composites for meeting California’s 21st century water needs.

Contract for 350-bar bus tanks and certification for 700-bar passenger car tanks recognize developed technology and strategy for growing global hydrogen/fuel cell ecosystem.

The first commercial Type V composite pressure vessel | CompositesWorld

Natural Gas Tanks CompositesWorld is the source for reliable news and information on what’s happening in fiber-reinforced composites manufacturing. About Us