
The accuracy of intra-oral scanners in full arch implant rehabilitation: a narrative review | British Dental Journal

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British Dental Journal volume  235, pages 887–891 (2023 )Cite this article Mouth Scan

The accuracy of intra-oral scanners in full arch implant rehabilitation: a narrative review | British Dental Journal

This narrative review aims to study the accuracy of different intra-oral scanner (IOS) devices already available on the market. The accuracy emerged during in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo studies made with IOS devices during the scan of a full arch implant rehabilitation that have been analysed to evaluate which device may be the most suitable in this clinical situation. The literature review was performed by searching topics and keywords using the PubMed and Medline databases, for example, ‘digital workflow', ‘full arch', ‘full arch implant rehabilitation' and ‘accuracy of IOS'. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies were: correct IMRAD (introduction, methods, results and discussion) structure; article with clear and detailed objectives; consistency of the articles with the purpose of the review; two-year range from the year of publication of the article; reproducible materials and methods; and correct follow-up. Most of the intra-oral scanners employed in vitro provided acceptable accuracy (below a threshold of 150 μm). The main parameters identified for their influence on precision were interim plant distance, body scan design, scanning pattern and operator experience. Even though literature is limited, significant differences emerged between the different models of intra-oral scanners evaluated in the studies considered within this review.

The narrative review highlights that most of the intra-oral scanners studied in vitro demonstrated acceptable accuracy, with deviations below a threshold of 150 μm. This finding is crucial, as it indicates that these devices can reliably capture detailed data during the scan of a full arch implant rehabilitation.

The review identifies several key parameters that influence the precision of intra-oral scanners. These factors include interim implant distance, body scan design, scanning pattern and operator experience. Understanding and optimising these variables can lead to improved accuracy and better clinical outcomes in full arch implant rehabilitation cases.

The paper emphasises significant differences between the various models of intra-oral scanners assessed in the studies. This insight is valuable for dental professionals as it helps them make informed decisions about choosing the most suitable intra-oral scanner device for specific clinical situations, such as full arch implant rehabilitation, based on its demonstrated accuracy and performance in relevant studies.

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Specialist in Oral Surgery, Private Practitioner, Lecce, Italy

Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento, Lecce 73100, Italy

Marco Friuli, Martha Madaghiele & Christian Demitri

College of Medicine and Dentistry, Birmingham, B4 6BN, United Kingdom

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Chiara De Rubertis, Franco Ferrante, Nicolò Stefanelli, Marco Friuli, Marta Madaghiele, Christian Demitri and Andrea Palermo have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; has approved the submitted version (and version substantially edited by journal staff that involves the authors' contribution to the study); agrees to be personally accountable for their own contributions; and ensures that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved and documented in the literature. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

The authors declare no competing interests.

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De Rubertis, C., Ferrante, F., Stefanelli, N. et al. The accuracy of intra-oral scanners in full arch implant rehabilitation: a narrative review. Br Dent J 235, 887–891 (2023).


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The accuracy of intra-oral scanners in full arch implant rehabilitation: a narrative review | British Dental Journal

Dental X Ray Scanner British Dental Journal (Br Dent J) ISSN 1476-5373 (online) ISSN 0007-0610 (print)