
A neurostimulation network to help memory | Nature Electronics

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Nature Electronics volume  7, page 185 (2024 )Cite this article Electronic Parts Shop Near Me

A neurostimulation network to help memory | Nature Electronics

The researchers — who are based at the University of Toronto, Ohio State University and the University of Pennsylvania — developed acceleration modules to detect the amplitude and phase of brain rhythms with short latency. Their chipset network consists of three star-connected neural interface nodes surgically implanted near the target brain areas, which are connected to a central node placed under the skin above the skull. The team used the chipsets to study the memory functions of freely behaving monkeys in awake and asleep states. The measured data were transmitted from the chipset network for offline analysis using an ultra-wideband transceiver, with a data rate of 67 Mb s–1 and a bit error rate of 10–5 over a distance of 1.5 m.

Original reference: In Proc. 2024 IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conference (in the press);

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Nature Electronics

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Zeissler, K. A neurostimulation network to help memory. Nat Electron 7, 185 (2024).


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Nature Electronics (Nat Electron) ISSN 2520-1131 (online)

A neurostimulation network to help memory | Nature Electronics

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