Everywhere I go of late I bump into a stand displaying artificial plants, gravel and ornaments by a guy called Hugo Kamishi, so I thought it high time to try them out, says Jeremy Gay.
I obtained a broad sample of plastic plants from the Zen Garden range that come in stylish packaging with a picture of an elderly Buddhist monk on the back along with some words of wisdom on each product including: 'Hugo say experience the beauties of nature, and in doing so learn about yourself' and 'Hugo say the sound of flowing water soothes the soul'. Aquarium Heater For Fish Tanks
If Hugo Kamishi is the elderly Buddhist monk pictured, then I want to meet him — the cynical journalist in me suspects not. Also Hugo Kamishi states on his website that his products are not available via third party websites and that only bonafide retailers can stock them. So if he is the monk pictured, he shouldn’t be controlling funds as part of his religion — but that’s just me being cheeky!
The live plant aquascaper may also address the Asian product styling and quotes as a kind of poor man’s Takashi Amano and Aqua Design Amano (ADA) too — but enough of my childish games, let’s talk about the plants!
The range is wide and varied, containing everything from the traditional style multi-stemmed aquarium plant replicas in a variety of heights, through to more modern moss balls, carpeting plants and brightly-coloured contemporary creations.
The benchmark in plastic plants for me is Sydeco, and although they aren’t quite there in production quality or in terms of that large resin base, they are still good quality, good value and I would definitely use them.
In fact I will say that when comparing prices, most models are a fraction of the price of Sydeco, so filling a tank with these will be considerably cheaper without compromising too much on aesthetics. I threw together a basic aquascape in our photographic studio in less than 30 seconds, so the ease of use and long-lasting display qualities will be of obvious benefit to many a fishkeeper.
As it says above, you won’t find these on ebay or Amazon so instead look to your local bricks and mortar retailer.
Verdict Good plastic plants and on sale at your local aquatic retailer for good prices. I like the range, I like the ease of creating a striking design, and I would use them.
Plastic plants with high visual, lasting appeal, yet with zero maintenance. Give them a go!
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