
Geauga County seeking used aluminum wheelchair ramps, lifts – News-Herald

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Geauga County seeking used aluminum wheelchair ramps, lifts – News-Herald

The Geauga County Department on Aging’s Home Safety Program is in need of pre-owned aluminum wheelchair ramps and lifts for local seniors.

Some local citizens have had aluminum ramps or chair lifts installed at their homes and are no longer in need of them. Meanwhile, the Department on Aging’s Home Safety program receives constant calls from seniors who need ramps or lifts installed at their home, according to a news release.

The program cannot keep up with the number of ramps and lifts needed because new ramps and lifts are very expensive, and Medicare does not pay for these adaptations, the release stated.

Geauga County seeking used aluminum wheelchair ramps, lifts – News-Herald

Walker Anyone with an aluminum ramp or lift who would like to have it removed and be donated to help a local senior can call the Geauga County Department on Aging at 440-279-2130.