
Open XR Optics Forum makes 400G optical transceiver MSA specifications available | Lightwave

The Open XR Optics Forum has released its initial MSA specifications for Open XR Optics-compliant 400G transceivers.

Developed through a joint effort of the Forum’s transceiver working group comprising 11 Open XR Optics Forum member companies, the purpose of the specifications is to establish guidelines for multi-vendor interoperability and multi-sourcing implementations of Open XR Optics-compliant coherent transceiver modules. These initial specifications comprise two documents: form factor-related mechanical and client interface requirements and optical and electrical interface requirements. Bidi Transceiver

Open XR Optics Forum makes 400G optical transceiver MSA specifications available | Lightwave

Open XR said the new specifications support the Forum’s mission to accelerate the adoption of intelligent, coherent point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network architectures that leverage multi-vendor interoperability to improve network flexibility and cost savings.

The newly released documents include the "Open XR Transceiver Optical and Client Interface Specification" and the "Open XR 400G Optical Module Form Factor Hardware Specifications.” Two additional documents on "Open XR Pluggable to Host Management Interface" and "Open XR Signal Format Specification" are being prepared to complete the full set of specifications for Open XR Optics-compliant transceivers.

All Open XR Optics Forum specifications leverage existing standards wherever possible, specifying differences and additional parameters and functionalities where necessary. The complete specifications, “Open XR Optics 400G Optical Module Form Factor Hardware Specifications” and “Open XR Optics Transceiver Optical and Client Interface Specification,” can be downloaded from the Open XR Optics Forum website under “Documents” here.

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Open XR Optics Forum makes 400G optical transceiver MSA specifications available | Lightwave

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