
Belushi Speed Ball Premiere New Single - in Metal News ( Metal )

"some music was meant to stay underground..."

posted Apr 24 , 2024 at 1:18 AM by LugalKiEn.  (0 Comments) China Soft Seal Tee Valve Balls

Belushi Speed Ball Premiere New Single - in Metal News ( Metal )

Kentucky crossover band Belushi Speed Ball has released their latest single, "Garth, Let My Family Go," which serves as a humorous tribute to the conspiracy theory suggesting that Garth Brooks is a serial killer.

The joke originated from the podcast Your Moms House, where host Tom Segura frequently jokes about Brooks potentially being a serial killer.

Frontman Vinny Crastellano shares his thoughts on the song:

“Garth, we are begging you please, just give us closure. Where are the bodies Garth, WHERE ARE THE BODIES!? We know you are sitting there thinking to yourself, “Somebody stop me”. But no one has been able to. Please for the love of god!

“The Garth segment of Your Mom’s House is one of our favorite bits ever. We wanted to pay homage to the genius prophecy, in the only way we know how … with satire. Allegedly, in a remote area, an area most known for its remoteness, sit’s Garth with cheese sandwiches, thinking to himself, “somebody stop me! We proudly present all of this alleged glory captured in an 8-bit music video.”

If you're intrigued by this song, you can catch Belushi Speed Ball at a few upcoming one-off dates this year:

May 11 – Louisville, KY @ Headliners Music Hall May 18 – Milwaukee, WI @ Milwaukee Metal Fest (The Rave / Eagles Club) June 28 – 30 – Litchfield, NH @ The New England Death Metal Funtime Bonanza July 3 – 7 – Trutnov, Czechia @ Obscene Extreme Festival August 31 – September 1 – Cookeville, TN @ Muddy Roots

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Belushi Speed Ball Premiere New Single - in Metal News ( Metal )

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