
Carbon fiber composite pallet revolutionizes freight industry | CompositesWorld

In addition to providing a controlled environment for conducting restrained eVTOL aircraft operation, NIAR provides material development and other testing options.

Type 4 CFRP cylinder manufacturer continues ramp-up, with H2 infrastructure up 38% and H2 mobility up 213% year over year while momentum continues in aerospace applications. oversize assemble plastic pallet

Fiberglass pressure vessels with IoT provide real-time insight into refilling needs for LPG consumers.

Three-day hands-on workshop from June 11-13 in Leuven, Belgium, will equip participants with a better understanding of fiber optic sensing technology for digital manufacturing of composite tanks.

Full transition from VTOL hover, to wing-borne cruise, and back to hover, prepares Beta for next steps in progressing its aircraft platforms.

Tripled space and capacity to potentially grow composite tank production to 30,000+ tanks/year, equipment investments enable manufacturer to handle larger orders, streamline operations.

Key structural elements for a 6-meter section of the Airbus biomimetic wing were undertaken by NCC engineering specialists to produce 28 one-off flying parts.

Pioneer in mandrel-based reinforced rubber and composite products, TANIQ offers TaniqWindPro software and robotic winding expertise for composite pressure vessels and more.

Designer and builder of compression molds for composite structures installs seven-axis CNC deep-hole drilling and milling machine to improve productivity.

Strategic MOU initially introduces SikaBiresin CIM 120 and SikaBiresin CIM 80 to serve crucial composites market needs for 3D printing tooling, prototyping and more.

Through this strategic collaboration, BEAD’s additive and subtractive capabilities for large-scale AM composite tooling production are made more accessible.

Plyable continues to rid composites engineers of workflow bottlenecks through an end-to-end automated system — from mold design to quotation to manufacturing fulfillment.  

Novel platform involving digital twin and human-robot collaboration succeeded in cutting a component from the 19th section of an A350 wing, highlighting its ability to enable composite structure recycling.

Fraunhofer IFAM and partners have completed left and right welds connecting the upper and lower fuselage halves and sent the 8×4-meter full-scale section to ZAL for integration with a cabin crown module and testing.

Queen 1 system from Q.Big 3D produced complete cockpit assembly of a full flight simulator in a little more than a month, enabling fast build speeds, high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.

The Michigan company, producing hemp-based natural fiber materials, is the latest addition to Chemovator’s program supporting early stage startups in the chemical industry.

Engineering consulting firm Royal HaskoningDHV and partners achieved a bridge design made of 30% fiberglass and 70% waste.

State-of-the-art VTOL rigid airship, to take 80 kilometers of thin-wall carbon fiber tubes, will function like an airborne crane for transporting cargo in remote areas.

Novel platform involving digital twin and human-robot collaboration succeeded in cutting a component from the 19th section of an A350 wing, highlighting its ability to enable composite structure recycling.

Fraunhofer IFAM and partners have completed left and right welds connecting the upper and lower fuselage halves and sent the 8×4-meter full-scale section to ZAL for integration with a cabin crown module and testing.

Queen 1 system from Q.Big 3D produced complete cockpit assembly of a full flight simulator in a little more than a month, enabling fast build speeds, high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.

Three-day hands-on workshop from June 11-13 in Leuven, Belgium, will equip participants with a better understanding of fiber optic sensing technology for digital manufacturing of composite tanks.

Four times larger than its 2019 predecessor, Factory of the Future 1.0 offers new opportunities in composite materials, including development of recycled and bio-based materials, opening up new research frontiers.

With its Icon BBCOR bat, Rawlings leveraged its experience in braided fabrics and RTM to create an optimized, higher-performance two-piece design.

Increasingly, prototype and production-ready smart devices featuring thermoplastic composite cases and other components provide lightweight, optimized sustainable alternatives to metal.

CW explores key composite developments that have shaped how we see and think about the industry today.

Knowing the fundamentals for reading drawings — including master ply tables, ply definition diagrams and more — lays a foundation for proper composite design evaluation.

Performing regular maintenance of the layup tool for successful sealing and release is required to reduce the risk of part adherence.

With COVID in the past and passengers flying again, commercial aircraft production is ramping up. The aerocomposites supply chain is busy developing new M&P for an approaching next-generation aircraft program.

Electrification and a focus on sustainability lead to opportunities and innovations in composites, from battery enclosures to structural components and more.

After having established a strong foundation in kinetic models in a previous webinar, part two delves into the exciting realm of machine learning and its transformative potential for composite manufacturing. While kinetic models have served the industry well, the growing complexity of composite manufacturing demands more sophisticated approaches. In this session, sensXPERT will explore innovative pathways to supercharge your production efficiency and enhance sustainability beyond the limits of traditional models. See how machine learning empowers composite manufacturers to achieve unprecedented accuracy in predicting key production parameters such as temperature, pressure and cure time. This translates to reduced cycle times and waste while increasing production throughput to maximize efficiency. SensXPERT will provide concrete examples and case studies demonstrating how to bridge the gap between meticulously-controlled laboratory experiments and the realities of the production floor, overcoming the limitations of kinetic models. Agenda: Define machine learning, its applications and their impact on composite manufacturing Explore real-world case studies in diverse composites manufacturing applications and how they exploit integration options Correlation analysis: uncovering hidden relationships between process parameters and product outcomes Time series analysis: forecasting production trends Anomaly detection: identifying irregularities

Discover the latest innovation in laser projection technology poised to increase accuracy, efficiency and reliability. LAP will unveil the features of its new CAD-PRO Xpert laser projection system and outline how various industries can benefit from the system's capabilities. Its cutting-edge technology platform empowers users with enhanced color range, speed and superior laser projection quality while increasing accuracy, efficiency and reliability. Explore how the advanced ergonomics of this system can reshape composite manufacturing processes across industries, ranging from aerospace and automotive to wind rotor blade production, yacht building and beyond. Agenda: Introduction of the features of the CAD-PRO Xpert Applications and advantages across industries Upgrading workplaces for enhanced digital worker guidance Modular system solutions based on the value-adding ecosystem

KraussMaffei will explain in-situ polyurethane (PUR) overmolding of injection-molded and composite parts and the development of this technology over the last decade. Waruna Seneviratne, director of the Advanced Technologies Lab for Aerospace Systems (ATLAS), will discuss how aerospace and advanced air mobility (AAM) markets can capitalize on this high-rate manufacturing solution. Agenda: What is ColorForm: process, equipment and tooling Pros and cons of the technology High technology solution examples: ColorForm automotive Market references in automotive Demand for future commercial aviation and both AAM and urban air mobility (UAM) What aerospace can learn from automotive for addressing demand for high-rate manufacturing Technological advances enabling material and process improvements for the future Role of ATLAS manufacturing innovation center for promoting advanced manufacturing and workforce development Road map for certification through manufacturing demonstrations

As part three of the webinar series about composites manufacturing processes, this webinar will focus on the two main processes to manufacture semi-finished goods and the composites resulting from it: sheet molding compounding (SMC) and prepreg technology. This presentation will briefly highlight the advantages and challenges. The main part of the webinars will showcase product recommendations from Evonik's portfolio and how they can be used to enhance the performance of the final composite materials to meet the requirements from the automotive, aerospace and sporting goods industries.

In this webinar, Instron will discuss the different solutions for strain measurement on composite materials, such as: strain gauges, clip-on extensometers, video extensometers and digital image correlation (DIC). It will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and when you might prefer one method over another. Agenda: Brief introduction to composite materials and properties Strain measurement techniques for coupon testing Examples of strain measurement for various test types including: in-plane tensile, compression, through thickness and v-notch shear

As part two of the webinar series about composites manufacturing processes, this webinar will focus on the continuous processes in the manufacturing of composite materials: filament winding, pultrusion and a combination of both. This presentation will briefly give an overview of both processes, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. You'll discover the product recommendations from Evonik's portfolio for these processes, including how they can be used to enhance the performance of the final composite materials. This webinar will conclude with an outlook on the various applications including infrastructure, marine and transportation.

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Since 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park (formerly Reliant Park) in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with OTC Brasil and OTC Asia. OTC is sponsored by 13 industry organizations and societies, who work cooperatively to develop the technical program. OTC also has endorsing and supporting organizations

Hosted by the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), SAMPE 2024 is North America's premier advanced materials and process engineering conference and exhibition tradeshow. SAMPE 2024 is where the advanced materials community comes together for face-to-face meetings, top-level education sessions and panels lead by the industry’s leaders and innovators.  

ILA Berlin brings the world's aerospace industry to the center of Europe every two years - next time from June 5 to 9, 2024.

The JEC Forum Southeast Asia is an event organised by JEC The JEC Forum Southeast Asia is organised on June 11 and 12, 2024, by JEC, in partnership with the Thai Composites Association (TCA), bringing together the composite materials community in Southeast Asia.

The 14th edition of the Graphene Conference will take place June 25-28, 2024, in Madrid, Spain. The international gathering includes thematic workshops, B2B networking and an Industrial Forum that dives into a variety of topics, including the latest developments in graphene production methods towards wide scale commercialization and examples of graphene in electronics, energy storage, aerospace and barrier applications.

Thousands of people visit our Supplier Guide every day to source equipment and materials. Get in front of them with a free company profile.

Jetcam’s latest white paper explores the critical aspects of nesting in composites manufacturing, and strategies to balance material efficiency and kitting speed.

Arris presents mechanical testing results of an Arris-designed natural fiber thermoplastic composite in comparison to similarly produced glass and carbon fiber-based materials.

Cevotec, a tank manufacturer, Roth Composite Machinery and Cikoni, have undertaken a comprehensive project to explore and demonstrate the impact of dome reinforcements using FPP technology for composite tanks.   

Initial demonstration in furniture shows properties two to nine times higher than plywood, OOA molding for uniquely shaped components.

The composite tubes white paper explores some of the considerations for specifying composite tubes, such as mechanical properties, maintenance requirements and more.

Foundational research discusses the current carbon fiber recycling landscape in Utah, and evaluates potential strategies and policies that could enhance this sustainable practice in the region.

With its Icon BBCOR bat, Rawlings leveraged its experience in braided fabrics and RTM to create an optimized, higher-performance two-piece design.

A look back at the ambitious and impressive composites production system BMW developed for production of the all-electric i3 EV.

BOLDair’s composite enclosure, compression structures and thermal runaway management enables high-performance electric energy storage.

Bossard worked with an OEM and Tier supplier team to meet tight electrical insulation and packaging tolerances while reducing tooling, molding and assembly costs.

Themes at the forefront of JEC World 2024 included solutions for mobility applications and sustainable materials, technologies and processes for composites manufacturing.

As the number of battery and fuel cell electric vehicles (EVs) grows, so do the opportunities for composites in battery enclosures and components for fuel cells.

Themes at the forefront of JEC World 2024 included solutions for mobility applications and sustainable materials, technologies and processes for composites manufacturing.

CW technical editor Hannah Mason discusses trends seen at this year’s JEC World trade show, including sustainability-focused technologies and commitments, the Paris Olympics amongst other topics.

Automotive technology supplier Forvia shares sustainability goals and recent developments aimed at bio-based and recycled materials and ramping up hydrogen tank production for clean mobility.

Customer decarbonization goals demand supply chains with sustainable business practices. Here are four considerations for supporting those goals discussed at CW Tech Days: Sustainability.  

Airbus subsidiary CTC uses new technology to measure energy use in machine components and processes to optimize equipment, production lines and guide decisions for future composites.

Three materials — bio-based carbon fibers, natural stone and biochar — act as an alternative to reinforced concrete in a house wall demonstrator in the DACCUS-Pre project.  

CW’s editors are tracking the latest trends and developments in tooling, from the basics to new developments. This collection, presented by Composites One, features four recent CW stories that detail a range of tooling technologies, processes and materials.

The composites industry is increasingly recognizing the imperative of sustainability in its operations. As demand for lightweight and durable materials rises across various sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, there is a growing awareness of the environmental impact associated with traditional composite manufacturing processes.

Closed mold processes offer many advantages over open molding. This knowledge center details the basics of closed mold methods and the products and tools essential to producing a part correctly.

In the Automated Composites Knowledge Center, CGTech brings you vital information about all things automated composites.

CompositesWorld’s CW Tech Days: Infrastructure event offers a series of expert presentations on composite materials, processes and applications that should and will be considered for use in the infrastructure and construction markets.

Explore the cutting-edge composites industry, as experts delve into the materials, tooling, and manufacturing hurdles of meeting the demands of the promising advanced air mobility (AAM) market. Join us at CW Tech Days to unlock the future of efficient composites fabrication operations.

Thermoplastics for Large Structures, experts explored the materials and processing technologies that are enabling the transition to large-part manufacturing.

Explore the technologies, materials, and strategies that can help composites manufacturers become more sustainable.

A report on the demand for hydrogen as an energy source and the role composites might play in the transport and storage of hydrogen.

This collection features detail the current state of the industry and recent success stories across aerospace, automotive and rail applications.

This collection details the basics, challenges, and future of thermoplastic composites technology, with particular emphasis on their use for commercial aerospace primary structures.

This collection features recent CW stories that detail a range of tooling technologies, processes and materials.

LOG Point Pallet fuses advanced materials with innovative design and manufacturing to improve supply chains worldwide.

PalletX uses carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) and CompoTech's advanced winding technology to manufacture a lightweight, more durable, modular alternative to traditional shipping pallets. Shown here are the first-generation design (left) and final configuration (right) of the LOG Point Pallet. Source | PalletX

PalletX s.r.o. (Jihlava, Czech Republic) is a manufacturing startup that combines seasoned experience and innovative drive. Its goal? To manufacture carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite shipping pallets that solve a host of issues in the material handling environment.

Carbon fiber isn’t the first option that comes to mind when you think about a shipping pallet. It doesn’t share much with the sporting goods, aerospace, automotive or high-performance products typical of CFRP end uses. Nonetheless, PalletX wanted to optimize its products for strength at the lightest weight possible.

Source | PalletX (illustrated by Claudean Wheeler)

Company founder Eva Kratochvílová, a longtime veteran of the logistics industry, saw a lighter weight, modular pallet design as an answer to the perennial challenges of logistics efficiency and sustainability — i.e., less fuel consumption to transport, and reduced waste because of its longer lasting qualities. With insights gained from a previous role, Kratochvílová’s experience with the robustness of carbon fiber in a hockey stick sparked the innovation behind the company’s first product, the LOG Point Pallet. “LOG is short for logistics,” explains Kratochvílová. “Manufacturers put their goods on the pallet, then it is transported to logistics centers and then to stores, factories, etc. It is a key part of goods moving swiftly and safely.”

Can integrate RFID and smart monitoring features for traceability, operational efficiency and data-driven logistics.

Working with another Czech company, CompoTech (Sušice, Czechia), PalletX is using CFRP and advanced winding technology to redefine the physical and operational limits of traditional pallets. This pallet weighs only 7.5 kilograms, yet confidently carries 2 tons of goods in the rack and 4 tons on the floor. Thus, the LOG Point Pallet is not just a product but a paradigm shift — a solution that addresses the critical issues of pallet weight, dimensional stability, sanitation and durability head on. It also weaves digital intelligence into what is normally considered an analog product. PalletX promises a future where goods move more efficiently, and every pallet is a step toward a smarter, cleaner and more efficient future in material handling.

Kratochvílová previously juggled the roles of commercial director and vice chairman of the board of directors for ICOM transport a.s. (Jihlava). With 1,800 employees and a fleet of 800 buses and 300 trucks under her watch, over her 20 years at the company she gained a deep understanding of the transportation and logistics industry. No matter what goods were being shipped, they all needed strong and reliable pallets.

Eva and her husband at CompoTech’s booth during JEC 2023, showcasing the bespoke advanced winding technology that aided in LOG Point Pallet’s development. Source | PalletX

“I like technological solutions in any field,” Kratochvílová says. “I enjoy watching and looking into how things work. What always astonishes me are simple, functional solutions.” The decisive moment for the LOG Point Pallet came unexpectedly, she explains. “My husband, an avid hockey player, damaged his carbon fiber stick during a game. The gears in my mind began to turn. Carbon fiber, known for its strength and lightness, seemed like the perfect material to innovate the traditional pallet.”

Realizing the potential, Kratochvílová knew it was time to seek expertise beyond her own. “I needed precise calculations, robust designs and automation software,” she adds. “That’s when I reached out to CompoTech. With their team of experts, we began the journey of transforming a simple idea into a robust carbon fiber composite shipping pallet.”

Traditional shipping pallets — often made of wood or plastic, as well as metal for specific applications — have been a staple in the logistics industry for decades. However, these materials come with inherent limitations: Wood is heavy and susceptible to swelling, mold growth, insect infestations and decay, while plastic can lack durability, shatter due to impact or low temperatures, and is often not repairable.

Wood pallets are heavy, requiring more fuel to transport. They are also prone to rot (center) and insect infestation (left). Plastic pallets tend to crack or shatter (right). Source | PalletX

Kratochvílová recognized these challenges and envisioned a solution that would leverage the superior properties of carbon fiber composites. She explains, “We wanted to create something not just new, but revolutionary. The carbon fiber composite pallets are for me not only a light, durable version of a pallet, they are sustainable and offer a solution for information connectivity within the logistic processes.”

Finite element analysis of the LOG Point Pallet. Model geometry (left), FEA mesh (middle) and static load results (right). Source | CompoTech

From the start, the mission was clear: Design a pallet that meets stringent EuroPallet norms. Logistics processes are meticulously designed around these standards. But while keeping one eye on conformity, Kratochvílová saw an opportunity for innovation. “Imagine the pallet as a sophisticated Lego kit,” she says. “We build it using various shapes and components, each chosen for their technical and mechanical advantages. If damaged, they are easily repairable with replaceable parts or a system of premade patches and sleeves. When necessary, the pallet can be disassembled, repaired and then quickly reassembled.”

Using carbon fiber in this application invariably raises questions about the higher cost versus wood or plastics. But Kratochvílová urges everyone to consider the cost through the lens of time and operating expenses.  “We are confident that, when viewed holistically, our pallets are on par, or in some cases, more than cost-competitive due to their many advantages,” she notes.

CompoTech developed a six-axis placement and winding machine and software for lattice winding, shown here winding carbon fiber. Source | CompoTech  

“For example, the reduced weight of our pallet increases the volume that can be transported,” she says. “Therefore, vehicles can carry more load for the same costs. Also, our lightweight pallets are easier for manual handling. They are similar in weight to carry-on baggage on an airplane.” They are also ideal for automated handling processes because, unlike traditional options, these composite pallets maintain a consistent weight and shape.

Kratochvílová notes that they can also feature unique identifiers such as EAN, QR or RFID codes used in industry for easy tracking. LOG Point Pallet products remain unaffected by temperature changes or humidity and their lifespans are much higher, exceeding 10 years.

For customers looking to leverage the full potential of the LOG Point Pallet, there’s also an option to add a small sensor box, transforming the pallet into a smart tracking tool. This enables monitoring for various conditions in real time, including tilt, impact, temperature, light exposure and even whether and where the goods are in motion. This high level of traceability and data collection turns the pallets into a digital component of supply chain management and optimization, which also increases their value.

The manufacturing process for LOG Point Pallets uses the advanced filament winding and fiber placement techniques of partner CompoTech. “These allow PalletX to create complex, high-strength structures that enable the pallets to meet EuroPallet standards,” explains Humphrey Carter, head of business development for CompoTech. 

First-generation LOG Point Pallet design (top) was modified after testing to better meet EuroPallet standards. The resulting second-generation design (bottom) will be used in production. Source | PalletX  

The carbon fiber is first impregnated with epoxy resin, ensuring each strand is coated for maximum durability and strength. The wetted fiber is then wound into a lattice structure, forming the top of the pallet, which contributes to the pallet’s overall rigidity and stability.

Carter explains how this part of the design evolved. “With our advanced winding that we have developed over years, we already had a process called Integrated Loop Technology. This was our starting point for the first design — to create a pallet made from wound tubes connected with these continuous fiber loops.”

“However, under certain loading conditions, the flat skids were the weak point,” he continues. “So, we took a fresh approach, and in doing so, saw an opportunity to develop a new process within the capabilities of our control software [Schneg 2.0]. This gave us the ability to control the fiber placement in a way that was precise enough to create a lattice structure on a flat surface around an array of pins on the tool edge. Our team, with the help of ARC Robotics [a Fanuc robot integrator, Plzeň, Czech Republic] was able to develop this parametric control software that enabled the high-performance lattice structure for the LOG Point Pallet.”

In this process, tubes and rectangular sections are wound separately, cured and cut to length before being bonded together to create the supportive base structure. The lattice and base are then bonded into an integral unit. This method not only provides a consistent and high-quality pallet, but also enables a degree of customization and modularity not offered in traditional pallet manufacturing.

“For example, tubes or beams can be cut to different lengths to allow a longer pallet or higher payload,” says Carter. The resin used can also be customized for even higher chemical and fire resistance, for example, if a customer is transporting Li-ion batteries.

The collaboration between PalletX and CompoTech has produced a significant leap forward in pallet technology. “What sets this innovation apart is the partnership. We didn’t just create an automated production system and hand over the keys; we worked with PalletX to ensure that our technology meets their precise needs and enables the products they envision,” Carter explains.

Kratochvílová says that the LOG Point Pallets are currently in an early stage of production. She anticipates the start of commercialization in the third quarter of this year.

“With the LOG Point Pallet, we’re not just changing how goods are moved,” says Kratochvílová, “we’re changing the logistics landscape.” She envisions setting a new standard in the logistics industry. “Our journey has just begun, and the potential is limitless.”

Michelle Maniscalco is a Cleveland-based writer and consultant who began contributing to CompositesWorld magazine in 2024. She currently operates a content strategy consultancy (B2B Content Cure) that she founded in 2022, and will launch a content marketing educational business (UnPitchIt) in 2024. Prior to this, Maniscalco spent 14 years leading PR and content marketing efforts at polymer supplier Avient (formerly PolyOne). The first half of her career was spent as a senior editor covering materials and design, first at Penton Publishing’s Machine Design magazine, then later at Informa’s (formerly UBM Canon) Injection Molding Magazine.

As the advanced air mobility market begins to take shape, market leader Joby Aviation works to industrialize composites manufacturing for its first-generation, composites-intensive, all-electric air taxi.

CMC is expanding, with new fiber production in Europe, faster processes and higher temperature materials enabling applications for industry, hypersonics and New Space.

Suppliers of thermoplastics and carbon fiber chime in regarding PEEK vs. PEKK, and now PAEK, as well as in-situ consolidation — the supply chain for thermoplastic tape composites continues to evolve.

Purpose-built facility employs resin transfer infusion (RTI) and assembly technology to manufacture today’s composite A220 wings, and prepares for future new programs and production ramp-ups.

At JEC World 2023, CompoTech showcased its automated fiber winding and laying technology capabilities, highlighting the company’s latest custom-built, automated fiber winding machine, with fiber placement using a FANUC six-axis robot.

From machine tools to trainer jets, CompoTech develops new design and process solutions.

A manufacturing method that integrates filament winding with axil winding of 0-degree fibers opens new design options in industrial automated equipment.

plastic pallet distributors CompositesWorld is the source for reliable news and information on what’s happening in fiber-reinforced composites manufacturing. About Us