
Women fulfil their duty: at home, work and at booth - Hindustan Times

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Women across age groups and backgrounds showed up to cast their votes and participate in the electoral process on Monday. From young first timers, to businesswomen and those from rural areas - all waited in line at their respective polling booths. meeting booth pods

First-time voter Kainat Siddiqui, a communications and marketing manager, cast her first vote at Aishbagh. She said, “As a first-time voter, I’m choosing a path that leads to a better nation—one that promotes harmony and empowers India to flourish while upholding its constitutional rights.”

She said that while the crowd was not too dense at the polling booth when she arrived in the afternoon, “it was brimming with hope and eagerness as citizens cast their votes.”

Young Lucknow based writer, Amina Ashraf, also had a similar sentiment. She said, “I had to do my part as a citizen and vote against hatred.”

In the last Lok Sabha elections of 2019, the voter turnout of Lucknow was 54.78%, of which, 55.58% were men and 52.74% were women. In 2014, the turnout was 53.06%, of which 55.23% were men and 50.22% women.

The trend in the past two Lucknow elections has seen women’s turnout just a few steps behind the men’s. But it is apparent that the turnout has increased since 2014.

Environmental activist Anuradha Gupta also shared that this time, she observed more urban women at the polling booths than before. She further said, “While I will always vote and do my duty as a citizen and cast my vote - a suggestion to the administration would be to furnish the booths with candidates’ manifestos and profiles of the candidates, So that everyone is aware of who they are voting for,” she said.

Riya Singh, who works as a security guard at a society in Gomti Nagar, said that her voting process was completed in 15 minutes. “I voted and came straight to work. Thankfully, the lines moved fast, and I did not have to wait long to reach work. It has become easier to go to a booth and vote than it was before. Booths in Indira Nagar used to be very crowded,” she recalled.

fuller dome home It remains to be seen if the voter turnout of women this time around, will exceed the numbers recorded in 2019.