
The Seoul Olympic Memorial National Sports Promotion Corporation (Chairman Cho Hyun-jae) held a bicy.. - MK

The Seoul Olympic Memorial National Sports Promotion Corporation (Chairman Cho Hyun-jae) held a bicycle competition for the "Spedom Challenge Fest 24" at Gwangmyeong Speed Dome on May 15.

The competition, which was held for the second time in 2024 following 2023, was held by attracting famous domestic amateur track and road bicycle competitions, and a total of 300 people, not only domestic but also overseas, participated in the track and Criterium events. womens electric bike

In the track event, more than 100 middle school, high school, and adult club members played bicycle races and excluded competitions, while a special stadium was also installed outside the Gwangmyeong Speed Dome, and a Criterium competition was held to repeatedly drive certain sections controlled by track and road bicycles.

Choi Seo-jin (16 years old, second grade at Daegun High School in Incheon), who has been attracted to bicycles since he started riding them to school three years ago and has been referring to the amateur bicycle competition since two years ago, participated in the competition and proudly ranked first in the high school bicycle race, the high school non-high school race, and the road bike rookie event.

Choi, who has developed his skills by participating in the "Track Academy" operated by the Gyeongryun General Headquarters at Gwangmyeong Speed Dome, said, "I think track bicycles are more important than other bicycles, and there is a greater attraction here. "I've participated in other competitions, but Gwangmyeong Speed Dome was the best stadium to show my skills because it was a different indoor stadium and well-managed," he said.

An official of the Gyeongryun General Headquarters said, "We opened the Gwangmyeong Speed Dome, which was considered to be the exclusive property of the Gyeongryun athletes in the past, and moreover, in 2024, unlike 2023, we installed a special stadium outside the Gwangmyeong Speed Dome. We will not only run this competition as a one-time event, but we will constantly strive to become a festival for hobbyists representing the Republic of Korea," he said.

The competition will air on tvN Sports at 12:30 p.m. on May 26, and will be rerun twice by the end of May.

Kang Dae-ho, reporter for MK Sports.

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