
Nebraska Initiative 437 Election Results 2024: Legalize Medical Marijuana - The New York Times

This measure would allow for the use and possession of up to five ounces of cannabis by patients and their caregivers for medical purposes.

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Source: Election results and race calls are from The Associated Press. By The New York Times election results team: Michael Andre, Emma Baker, Neil Berg, Andrew Chavez, Michael Beswetherick, Matthew Bloch, Lily Boyce, Irineo Cabreros, Nico Chilla, Nate Cohn, Alastair Coote, Annie Daniel, Saurabh Datar, Leo Dominguez, Tiff Fehr, Andrew Fischer, Martín González Gómez, Will Houp, Jon Huang, Junghye Kim, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Jasmine C. Lee, Joey K. Lee, Vivian Li, Alex Lemonides, Ilana Marcus, Alicia Parlapiano, Jaymin Patel, Dan Simmons-Ritchie, Charlie Smart, Jonah Smith, Urvashi Uberoy, Isaac White and Christine Zhang Additional contributions by Grace Ashford, Luke Broadwater, Mathew Brownstein, Amanda Cordero Kenan Davis, Karoun Demirjian, Robert Draper, Catie Edmondson, Nick Fandos, Lalena Fisher, Patrick Hays, Robert Jimison, Annie Karni, Maya Miller, Julie Walton Shaver, Tracey Tully and Jessica White Edited by Wilson Andrews, Lindsey Rogers Cook, William P. Davis, Thomas Gaffney, Amy Hughes, Ben Koski, Allison McCartney and Rachel Shorey

ams 5550 alloy 702 Source: Election results and race calls are from The Associated Press.