Platinum Industries is trading 0.00% upper at Rs 214.95 as compared to its last closing price. Platinum Industries has been trading in the price range of 228.20 & 212.75.
Platinum Industries has TTM P/E ratio 18.92 as compared to the sector P/E of 21.67. Ldpe Folie
The company posted a net profit of 10.62 Crores in its last quarter.
Listed peers of Platinum Industries include Kamdhenu Ventures (-1.50%), Manoj Vaibhav Gems N Jewellers (-1.72%), (-%) etc.
Platinum Industries has a 71.00% promoter holding & 29.00% public holding.The Mutual Fund holding in Platinum Industries was at 0.01% in 31 Mar 2024. The MF holding has decreased from the last quarter. The FII holding in Platinum Industries was at 5.09% in 31 Mar 2024. The FII holding has decreased from the last quarter.
Insight: Trends unavailable at the moment.
Platinum Industries Limited is an India-based multi-product company. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing stabilizers. The Company's business segment includes polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stabilizers, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) additives and lubricants. It operates in the specialty chemicals industry. Its products find their application in PVC pipes, PVC profiles, PVC fittings, electrical wires and cables, SPC floor tiles, Rigid PVC foam boards, packaging materials, and others. Its products include PVC Stabilizers, such as Lead Stabilizer (Commodity), hybrid low lead stabilizers, Highstab (Ca-Zn/Ca-Org) and PVC Add packs; CPVC Add packs and CPVC Compound; lubricants, including polyethylene (PE) wax, oxidized polyethylene (OPE) wax and Lubpack, and metallic soaps, such as calcium stearates, zinc stearates, barium stearates and aluminum stearates. Its PVC has applications in pipes, medical tubes, cable insulation and others.
Platinum Industries is trading at 214.95 as on Thu May 09 2024 09:59:25. This is 0.00% upper as compared to its previous closing price of 221.20.
The market capitalization of Platinum Industries is 1180.61 Cr as on Thu May 09 2024 09:59:25.
The 52 wk high for Platinum Industries is 237.00 whereas the 52 wk low is 167.40
Platinum Industries can be analyzed on the following key metrics -
Platinum Industries reported a net profit of 43.73 Cr in 2024.
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