
Naturally occurring T cell mutations enhance engineered T cell therapies | Nature

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Nature volume  626, pages 626–634 (2024 )Cite this article cancer in situ

Adoptive T cell therapies have produced exceptional responses in a subset of patients with cancer. However, therapeutic efficacy can be hindered by poor T cell persistence and function1. In human T cell cancers, evolution of the disease positively selects for mutations that improve fitness of T cells in challenging situations analogous to those faced by therapeutic T cells. Therefore, we reasoned that these mutations could be co-opted to improve T cell therapies. Here we systematically screened the effects of 71 mutations from T cell neoplasms on T cell signalling, cytokine production and in vivo persistence in tumours. We identify a gene fusion, CARD11–PIK3R3, found in a CD4+ cutaneous T cell lymphoma2, that augments CARD11–BCL10–MALT1 complex signalling and anti-tumour efficacy of therapeutic T cells in several immunotherapy-refractory models in an antigen-dependent manner. Underscoring its potential to be deployed safely, CARD11–PIK3R3-expressing cells were followed up to 418 days after T cell transfer in vivo without evidence of malignant transformation. Collectively, our results indicate that exploiting naturally occurring mutations represents a promising approach to explore the extremes of T cell biology and discover how solutions derived from evolution of malignant T cells can improve a broad range of T cell therapies.

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Sequencing reads are deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (BioProject ID PRJNA1029944). All other data are available in the main text or the Supplementary Information. Source data are provided with this paper.

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We thank the Northwestern University Flow Cytometry Core, the University of California, San Francisco Flow Cytometry Core, the Northwestern University Research Computing Services, the Northwestern University Skin Biology and Disease Resource-Based Center and Admera Health for their contributions; and J. Eyquem for providing the Nalm6-Luc-expressing cell line. The indicated graphics in Figs. 1a and 5a and Extended Data Fig. 9a were created with and adapted as required. J.D. was supported by NIH NCI grants F30 CA265107 and T32 CA009560. J.G. was supported by NIH NCI grant F31 CA260790. J.C. was supported by NIH grant 1DP2AI136599-01, the Bakewell Foundation and the Mark Foundation Emerging Leader Award. K.T.R. was supported by the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, the NIH-NCI Cancer Moonshot Immuno-Oncology Translational Network Center Grant (U54 CA244438), the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2 CA239143).

Julie Garcia & Jay Daniels

Present address: Moonlight Bio, Seattle, WA, USA

These authors contributed equally: Julie Garcia, Jay Daniels

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Julie Garcia, Jay Daniels, Iowis Zhu, Daniel Goodman, Cassandra Burnett, Chloë Thienpont, Josef Alavi, Camillia Azimi, Garrett Montgomery & Kole T. Roybal

Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, San Francisco, CA, USA

Julie Garcia, Iowis Zhu, Daniel Goodman, Cassandra Burnett, Camillia Azimi & Kole T. Roybal

Department of Dermatology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Jay Daniels, Yujin Lee, Kathleen Cheng, Qing Liu, Calvin Law & Jaehyuk Choi

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Jay Daniels, Yujin Lee, Kathleen Cheng, Qing Liu, Calvin Law & Jaehyuk Choi

Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, CA, USA

Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Department of Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Gladstone-UCSF Institute for Genomic Immunology, San Francisco, CA, USA

UCSF Cell Design Institute, San Francisco, CA, USA

Center for Synthetic Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA

Center for Human Immunobiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Center for Genetic Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

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J.G., J.D., K.T.R. and J.C. designed the study. J.G. carried out in vivo screening, primary T cell in vitro experiments and in vivo CAR T cell experiments. J.D. carried out in vitro screening, biochemical experiments, in vivo TCR-transgenic experiments and bioinformatics analysis. J.D. and J.C. identified library mutations. J.G., I.Z. and D.G. designed the lentiviral library; J.G. and I.Z. cloned the library. J.G. produced the lentivirus of each construct. C.T., C.B., J.A. and C.A assisted with in vivo CAR T cell experiments. Y.L., Q.L., K.C. and C.L. assisted with biochemical and in vivo TCR-transgenic experiments. K.C., Q.L. and C.L. carried out and analysed the necropsies. G.M. assisted with primary T cell isolations from human donors. J.G., J.D., K.T.R. and J.C. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. K.T.R. and J.C. supervised the study.

Correspondence to Kole T. Roybal or Jaehyuk Choi.

K.T.R. is a co-founder, consultant, SAB member and stockholder of Arsenal Biosciences and Dispatch Therapeutics. He was a founding scientist and consultant and stockholder in Cell Design Labs, now a Gilead Company. K.T.R. holds stock in Gilead. K.T.R. is an exclusive adviser to Venrock. J.G. and J.D. are founding scientists and stockholders of Moonlight Bio. K.T.R. and J.C. are co-founders and stockholders of Moonlight Bio. K.T.R., J.C., J.G., J.D. and I.Z. are inventors on a University of California, San Francisco and Northwestern University provisional patent for enhancing adoptive T cell therapeutics; 63/412,300.

Nature thanks Hans Stauss and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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(a) CAR and CD19 expression in cell lines utilized for screening. (b) Percent positive for the indicated reporter construct in 28z-CAR or BBZ-CAR transduced Jurkat cells co-cultured with the indicated cell line (n = 2). (c) Gating strategy to identify library construct transduced Jurkat cells in co-culture. (d) Heatmaps depicting Z scores in vitro screens. Z scores represent mean of two experimental replicates. Z scores are calculated on a row-by-row basis and thus represent different percentage positive values across different experimental conditions, such as with or without CD19 antigen. (e-f) Reproducibility of screening in 28z-CAR Jurkat cells (e) or BBz-CAR Jurkat cells (f). Each replicate indicates an independent lentiviral transduction of Jurkat cells with T cell mutation screening constructs, statistics determined by simple linear regression. (g) Scatterplot indicating CD19-28z CAR (x-axis) and CD19-BBz CAR (y-axis) percent positive for reporter constructs and IL-2 production.

(a-c) NFAT, NF-κB, and AP-1 reporter activity. Mutations with a statistically significant difference from the wild-type construct are shown. Each row indicates the mutation construct, co-culture condition and CAR construct. Gain of function indicates mutations which increased reporter activity relative to wild-type, while loss of function refers to mutations with lower reporter activity than the wild-type counterpart. Each dot indicates one biological replicate. (d) Percent of constructs with significant effects in the indicated CAR and co-culture condition. ** indicates P value < 0.01, *** indicates P < 0.001, **** indicates P < 0.0001, Chi-squared test.

(a) Tumor growth curve for mice bearing CD19-K562 subcutaneous tumors treated with vehicle (PBS, control) or 1 x 106 CAR + T cells. (b) Histogram of normalized read count distribution of pre-injection constructs. Constructs with a pre-injection normalized read count of <102 were excluded from analysis. (c) Log2 fold change of CARD11-PIK3R3 normalized reads at each indicated time point in the pooled in vivo experiment (week 1 n = 5, week 2 n = 3, week 3 n = 5). (d) In vitro screen Z scores of mutation constructs identified as positive hits from in vivo screening. Z score represents the mean Z score of two experimental replicates.

(a,b) CAR or CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 were sorted for purity, then expanded with IL-2 for 12 days. On Day 12, cultures were split, reseeding each group without IL-2 (a) and with IL-2 (b). Cells were counted and split from day 12 to day 30. (c) On Day 30, CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 T cells that were cultured with IL-2 were reseeded without IL-2 and counted and split for an additional 10 days.

(a) Principal component analysis of transcriptomes of human BBz-CAR T cells. (b) Representative histogram of ICOS expression on CD19-BBz-CAR T cells 24 h after co-culture with CD19-K562s. (c) Activation markers expressed on CD8+ CD19-28z-CAR T cells after 24 h co-cultured with CD19-K562s. Ratio of MFI (CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3/CAR) shown. P values determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. (d) Activation markers expressed on untransduced and CARD11-PIK3R3 CD4+ and CD8 + T cells after 24 h co-cultured with CD19-K562s. P values determined by two-tailed ratio paired T test with Holm-Sidak correction for multiple comparisons. (e) Cytokine secretion of CD8 + CD19-CD28z-CAR T cells 48 h post 1:1 co-culture with CD19-K562s. P values determined by two-tailed ratio paired T test, represented as fold change relative to control. (f) Cytokine secretion of control, CARD11-PIK3R3, CD19-BBz-CAR and CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 CD8 + T cells 48 h post 1:1 co-culture with CD19-K562s. (g) Bar graph summarizing CD19-K562 population percentages after 14-day co-culture of CD19-CD28z-CAR T cells with and without CARD11-PIK3R3, and supplemental IL-2. P values determined by multiple paired T test followed by Bonferroni correction. (h-i) Cell counts of CD19-A549 mKate2+ targets co-cultured with CD8+ (h) CD19-BBz-CAR T cells or (i) CD19-CD28z-CAR T cells over 108 h period. Bar graph indicates target cell counts at hour 108, standardized to control. P values calculated by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test, performed on cell count at 108 h. (j) Cell counts of CD8 + CD19-BBz-CAR T cells or CD19-CD28z-CAR T cells on Day 13 after two stimulations with CD19-K562 targets (n = 2 or 3). P values determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. (a,c-j) Each data point indicates an independent donor (n = 3), with the exception of j (n = 2 or 3). ns indicates not significant, * indicates P value < 0.05, ** indicates P value < 0.01.

(a) Flow cytometry plots indicating CD3 expression of TCR replete or TCR knockout groups after electroporation with TRAC targeted RNPs. (b) Flow cytometry plots indicating CAR (FLAG) and CARD11-PIK3R3 or control blank construct (mCherry) expression in human CD3 + T cells. (c) Radiance of Nalm6-Luc-GFP tumor bearing animals treated with control (n = 5), CD19-BBz-CAR (n = 5), CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 (n = 5) TCR replete T cells dosed at 1e6 CAR + T cells, control cells dosed equivalent to highest total T cell dose in other treatment groups. Dotted lines indicate individual mice, bold line indicates median. Arrow indicates date T cells were injected. (d) Percent weight change from baseline of TCR Knockout or TCR replete CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 treated Nalm6 bearing animals.

(a) Flow cytometry plots indicating CAR (FLAG) and CARD11-PIK3R3 (mCherry) expression in human CD3 + T cells. (b-c) Percent weight change from baseline of (b) tumor bearing or (c) non-tumor bearing animals treated with control, CD19-BBz-CAR, CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 or CARD11-PIK3R3 (d) Survival analysis of Fig. 4b surviving CD19-BBz-CAR (n = 3), CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 (n = 4) animals or naïve mice (n = 4) rechallenged with 5e5 Nalm6-Luc-GFP tumors. P values determined by Log-rank Mantel-Cox followed by Bonferroni correction. ** indicates P value < 0.01.

(a,c) Flow cytometry plots indicating FLAG (CAR) and mCherry (CARD11-PIK3R3) expression in human CD3 + T cells. (b) Percent weight change from baseline of control, CD19-CD28z-CAR or BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 treated Nalm6 tumor bearing animals. (d) Percent weight change from baseline of control, MCAM-CD28z-CAR or MCAM-CD28z-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 treated M28 tumor bearing animals. (e) Flow cytometry plots indicating GFP (CAR) and CARD11-PIK3R3 (mCherry) expression in mouse OT-I T cells. (f) Percent weight change from baseline of control, CD19-BBz-CAR or CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 treated hCD19-B16 tumor bearing animals. (g) Accumulation of CD19-BBz-CAR T cells in spleen of hCD19-B16 tumor bearing animals 5 days post adoptive cell transfer. Each data point indicates one mouse (n = 5), mean + s.e.m. depicted. P values determined using two-tailed unpaired t test. (h) Histograms indicating human CD19 ligand expression on hCD19-B16 tumors, CD19-BBz-CAR or CD19-BBz-CAR + CARD11-PIK3R3 treated that had reached euthanasia endpoint, compared to known CD19 positive B16 tumor sample. * indicates P value < 0.05.

(a) Cell percentage in total CD8 + T cells of control or CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-I T cells in dual transfer experiment (n = 5). P values determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. The images of the mouse and the cells were created with and adapted as required. (b) Tumor growth curve for mice bearing B16-OVA tumors treated with 1 x 106 OT-I T cells (10% CARD11-PIK3R3 positive). (c) Schematic of competition experiments with pmel-1 CD8 T cells. (d) Tumor growth curves of mice described in (c) (n = 5). (e) Fold-enrichment in the tumor of wild-type CARD11-PIK3R3 or CARD11-PIK3R3 (p.R28A) expressing pmel-1 CD8 T cells compared to vector control 7 days after adoptive transfer (n = 5). Mean + s.e.m. depicted. All P values determined by two-tailed ratio paired T test. (f) Percent change in tumor volume and proportion of transferred cells in control OT-I (n = 8) and CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-I (n = 9) mice bearing B16-OVA subcutaneous tumors. Each data point indicates one mouse, mean + s.e.m. depicted. (g) Frequency of TCF-1 + OT-I cells in spleen (control OT-1 n = 5, CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-1 n = 7) and tumor draining lymph node (LN) (control OT-1 n = 3, CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-1 n = 5) of mice bearing B16-OVA subcutaneous tumors. P values determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. (h) Ex vivo cytokine production with PMA/Ionomycin stimulation of control OT-I (n = 7) or CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-I (n = 7) TILs 7 days post T cell transfer. P values determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. (i) Tumor volume and survival analysis in B16-OVA melanoma bearing mice treated with PBS (n = 5), control OT-I cells (2 × 106) (n = 5), or CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-I cells (2 × 106) (n = 5) day 12 after tumor inoculation. Complete response was defined as an absence of a detectable tumor. P values determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (tumor volume) or Log-rank Mantel-Cox (survival). (j) Percent change in body weight in PBS, control OT-I, or CARD11-PIK3R3 OT-I treated, B16-OVA tumor bearing mice. Each data point indicates one mouse, mean + s.e.m. depicted. ns indicates not significant, *** indicates P values < 0.001, **** indicates P value < 0.0001.

(a) Mice that cleared B16-F10-OVA from Fig. 5e were monitored for up to 240 days after adoptive T cell transfer. Necropsies were performed in as outlined in this schematic. (b) Body weights of all CARD11-PIK3R3 infused mice from Fig. 5e and Extended Data Fig. 9i were measured weekly and compared to expected weight curves published by The Jackson Laboratory Research Institute. P value determined by two-way ANOVA. (c) Spleen weight for three animals that underwent necropsy on day 240 post adoptive transfer. This was calculated as percent of body weight and compared to expected spleen weight published by The Jackson Laboratory Research Institute. P value determined by two-tailed unpaired T test. (d) Necropsy of one representative animal. None of the three animals had gross pathology. (e) Percentage of CD8 T cells in spleen and blood that express CARD11-PIK3R3 240 days post adoptive transfer. (f) Representative hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections from select organs where nodal or extranodal lymphomas can occur. Animals were subject to full-body necropsies (n = 3). Tissues did not show evidence of nuclear atypia, changes in cellular architecture, or presence of neoplastic disease. Representative images at low (left) and high (right) -power magnification are shown with size bars. White box reflects the site of high-magnification image. (g,i) Schematic of blood sampling of mice presented in Fig. 5e 330 days after adoptive transfer (g) or of 2e6 OT-I CARD11-PIK3R3 treated mice presented in Extended Data Fig. 9i 418 days after adoptive transfer (i). (h,j) Percentage of CD8 T cells in blood that express CARD11-PIK3R3 in the two cohorts described in Fig. 5e or Extended Data Fig. 9i. Each data point indicates one mouse, mean + s.e.m. depicted.

Original immunoblotting images for Fig. 2d.

Additional flow cytometry gating strategy information.

Constructs tested in T cell lymphoma library and their associated bar-codes.

RNA-sequencing results. log2[fold change] (l2fc) and adjusted P values (padj) as determined by DESEQ2 for stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ BBz-CAR T cells. Positive log2[fold change] indicates higher expression in CARD11–PIK3R3-expressing CAR T cells compared to controls.

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Garcia, J., Daniels, J., Lee, Y. et al. Naturally occurring T cell mutations enhance engineered T cell therapies. Nature 626, 626–634 (2024).


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Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2024)

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Nature (Nature) ISSN 1476-4687 (online) ISSN 0028-0836 (print)

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