
Lead Free DC | DC Water

(Washington, DC) – DC Water's Potomac River Tunnel Project contractor will begin utility tie-in operations along Independence Avenue, SW betw

                              Safe drinking water is our top priority and DC Water has taken significant steps to reduce lead in drinking water. Water is essentially lead-free when it leaves the water treatment facility and travels through DC Water’s distribution system and water mains in the street. Clean water can come in contact with lead as it flows through the service lines, pipes and plumbing in and around your home. Big Size Butterfly Valve

Lead Free DC | DC Water

DC Water estimates the District of Columbia has more than 42,000 service lines with lead or galvanized-iron pipe. It is our goal to replace all of them with copper pipe.

DC Water launched the Lead Free DC Initiative in 2019 to accelerate lead service line replacement and combine all our lead reduction efforts under one banner.

On June 30, 2023, DC Water released a new Lead Service Line Replacement Plan.

Click on the Service Line Inventory Map below to see the information regarding the service line on your property.  

You can also visit the Construction Dashboard to search for your address to find out about construction updates for your block. 

1385 Canal Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

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Lead Free DC | DC Water

steam trap (Washington, DC) – DC Water will close Ohio Drive, SW, between Independence Avenue, SW, and West Basin Drive, SW for approximately six years to com