
Designing AI Hardware To Deal With Increasingly Challenging Memory Wall (UC Berkeley)

A new technical paper titled “AI and Memory Wall” was published by researchers at UC Berkeley, ICSI, and LBNL.

Abstract “The availability of unprecedented unsupervised training data, along with neural scaling laws, has resulted in an unprecedented surge in model size and compute requirements for serving/training LLMs. However, the main performance bottleneck is increasingly shifting to memory bandwidth. Over the past 20 years, peak server hardware FLOPS has been scaling at 3.0x/2yrs, outpacing the growth of DRAM and interconnect bandwidth, which have only scaled at 1.6 and 1.4 times every 2 years, respectively. This disparity has made memory, rather than compute, the primary bottleneck in AI applications, particularly in serving. Here, we analyze encoder and decoder Transformer models and show how memory bandwidth can become the dominant bottleneck for decoder models. We argue for a redesign in model architecture, training, and deployment strategies to overcome this memory limitation.” 230v To 12v Transformer

Designing AI Hardware To Deal With Increasingly Challenging Memory Wall (UC Berkeley)

Find the technical paper here. Published March 2024.

Gholami, Amir, Zhewei Yao, Sehoon Kim, Coleman Hooper, Michael W. Mahoney, and Kurt Keutzer. “Ai and memory wall.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14123 (2024).

Fig. 1: Source: UC Berkeley et al. AI and Memory Wall.  “The evolution of the number of parameters of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models over the years, along with the AI accelerator memory capacity (green dots). The number of parameters in large Transformer models has been exponentially increasing with a factor of 410× every two years, while the single GPU memory has only been scaled at a rate of 2× every 2 years. The growth rate for the Transformer models is calculated by only considering the non-recommendation system models (red circles), and the GPU memory is plotted by dividing the corresponding memory size by 6 as an approximate upper bound for the largest model that can be trained with the corresponding capacity.”

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Designing AI Hardware To Deal With Increasingly Challenging Memory Wall (UC Berkeley)

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