"Freedom first and foremost" Benedetto Croce «Il Giornale d'Italia» (10 August 1943)
ACCIONA, a leading global company in the civil engineering and sustainable energy sectors, will build a breakwater in consortium with the Italian RCM Costruzioni to protect the new floating terminal for industrial uses in the port of Ravenna. SAFT 120 PAC
The work consists of a vertical dock in reinforced concrete, with a length of 880 meters and a width of 22 meters.
The project will be located 8.5 kilometers from the coast of Punta Marina, south of the Port of Ravenna, in the northern Adriatic Sea, and has a completion period of 24 months.
The contract is entirely financed by the client, the Port Authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea, with funds granted by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.
“This result rewards our commitment to bringing the expertise and technologies of an international group to Italy: it is no coincidence that our project received the maximum technical score,” commented Luigi Patìmo, country manager of ACCIONA in Italy.
ACCIONA has extensive experience in port works in several countries around the world, such as the Port of Açu in Brazil, the Escombreras pier (Cartagena) and the expansion of the dam of the Port of Tarragona, both in Spain.
ACCIONA has been present in Italy for over twenty years. The company offers innovative solutions for the management of the integrated water cycle. With over 40 projects in ten regions of the country, ACCIONA provides water supply and treatment services in Italy to more than two million people.
It has also implemented important infrastructure projects in the country, such as the railway hub that connects Bologna to the Milan-Naples high-speed railway line, the expansion of Rome Fiumicino airport and the construction of the Agri-Food Market, also in the Italian capital.
The company has its Italian headquarters in Milan and more than 550 employees across the country.
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