
Wells Manufacturing offers techs new training video | FenderBender and ABRN

The Technical Services team of Wells Manufacturing, L.P. has released a comprehensive new training video covering the operation, diagnosis and replacement of automotive starter solenoids.

Developed in response to a significant number of customer inquiries, the new seven-minute “Starter Solenoid Function and Replacement” video is intended for automotive parts counter professionals, apprentice technicians and do-it-yourselfers. It can be easily accessed by searching for “wellstech” on YouTube or simply clicking on the “Technical” and “Video” links at flapper valve

“Based on the sheer volume of calls we’ve received about this topic, there is a very real need for a basic overview of the operation and diagnosis of today’s starter solenoids,” says Wells Technical Services Manager Mark Hicks. “Starting and charging system issues commonly rank among the leading causes of repair comebacks; this video will help both professionals and vehicle owners track the root causes of these issues.”

The new video provides detailed information regarding the operation of modern starter solenoids commonly used in domestic and foreign-nameplate applications, then leads viewers through a variety of proven solenoid troubleshooting procedures. The program also includes information regarding intermittent and continuous duty solenoids used in non-automotive applications.

The Wells diagnostic video library now includes more than 20 in-depth technical programs covering a full range of automotive electronics and drivability topics, from EVAP diagnostics to wheel speed sensor testing and replacement. Programs are available in English and Spanish languages.

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