
Epsilon MODEL 3560 Bi-Axial or Axial Averaging Extensometers : Quote, RFQ, Price and Buy

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The Model 3560 Extensometer from Epsilon is a single integral unit that can be configured to provide lateral (transverse) strain and averaged axial strain measurement simultaneously. Also available in the form of an averaged axial extensometer, this device features a specific design with parallel knife edges during displacement. Rebar Coupling Systems

Epsilon MODEL 3560 Bi-Axial or Axial Averaging Extensometers : Quote, RFQ, Price and Buy

The design of the extensometer minimizes the crosstalk between axes to a large extent thereby ensuring effective use on both flat as well as round specimens. The parallel multiple flexure design of the extensometer provides durability, and the unit is held on the test sample by means of integral springs.

The Model 3560 is easy to mount and best-suited for the analysis of anisotropic materials including advanced composites and for general purpose tests such as evaluation of Poisson's ratio. It reads axial strain only and provides a single averaged output.

It can be provided with two separate outputs, resulting from the measurement of each side of the specimen. This kind of setup may be required when there is a need to bend the specimen.

The Model 3560BIA, another version of axial/bi-axial averaging extensometers consists of both the transverse strain and averaged axial strain. This can also be configured as dual independent axial readings resulting in a three channel extensometer.

In general, the Model 3560 extensometers are strain gaged devices compatible with any kind of electronics present in strain gaged transducers. They are often connected to a test machine controller consisting of the signal conditioning electronics. In some cases, the signal conditioning electronics can be added to the extensometer via the connector and wiring.

However, Epsilon offers various solutions for system without the required electronics, enabling the extensometer output to be directly linked with chart recorders, data acquisition boards or other equipment.

The Model 3560 is available in any combination of temperature range, measuring range and gauge length as shown below:

The main features of the Model 3560 extensometer include:

3421 Sandwich Core Shear Extensometers for Measuring Shear Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics

3442 Miniature Axial Extensometers for Testing Small and Delicate Samples

3448 High Temperature Self-Supporting Furnace Extensometers (1200 °C) for Furnaces and Induction Heating Systems

3540 Deflection Gages (Deflectometers) for Measuring Deformations in Three and Four Point Bend Test and Compression Tests

3541 Fracture Mechanics Clip-On Gages to Determine Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials

3542 Axial Extensometer for Compression and Cycle Testing

3542L Long Gauge Length Axial Extensometers for Compression Testing

3548COD High Temperature Furnace COD Gages (1200 °C or 1600 °C) for Fracture Mechanics Testing

3549 High Temperature Hot Mountable Furnace Extensometers (1200 °C or 1600 °C) for Elevated Temperature Axial Testing

3560 Bi-Axial and Axial Averaging Extensometers for Testing Anisotropic Materials Such as Advanced Composites

3565 Bolt Extensometers for Proof Load Testing for Measuring Strain Ranges

3567 Rebar Coupler and Rebar Splice Extensometers for Measuring Elongation of Rebar Coupler, Splice and Sleeve Assemblies

3575 Transverse (Diametral) Extensometers for Diametral Strain Measurement

3590VHR Very High Resolution Digital Electronic Calibrators

3800 High Elongation Extensometers for Plastics, Rubber and Elastomer Testing

3909 Extensometers for Simple Performance Testing of Asphalt for Measuring Axial Displacements

4013 Averaging Extensometers for ASTM D5656 Shear Tests

7641 High Temperature Clip-On Gages (600 °C) for Fracture Mechanics Testing in Environmental Chambers

7642 High Temperature Un-Cooled Axial Extensometers (700 °C), Ideal for Testing Composites, Metals and High Temperatures

7650A High Temperature, Low Strain, Extended Performance Capacitive Extensometers (1200 °C or 1600 °C) Compatible with Materials Testing Furnaces or Induction Heating

7675 High Temperature Transverse Extensometer for Diametral Strain Measurement up to 700 °C

Covering All Test Methods with the Custom Extensometers from Epsilon Tech

Digital Electronic Calibrators to Calibrate all Extensometers

DSC Digital Signal Conditioners for Static Mechanical Testing

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Epsilon MODEL 3540 Deflection Gages (Deflectometers)

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Epsilon MODEL 3542RA Averaging Axial Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3543 Long Gauge Length Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3548COD High Temperature Furnace COD Gages

Epsilon MODEL 3549 High Temperature Hot Mountable Furnace Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3565 Bolt Extensometers for Proof Load Testing

Epsilon MODEL 3575 Transverse (Diametral) Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3575AVG Sheet Metal r-Value Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3580 High Temperature Diametral Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3590 Digital Electronic Calibrators

Epsilon MODEL 3590VHR Very High Resolution Digital Electronic Calibrators

Epsilon MODEL 3648 High Temperature, Low Strain Capacitive Extensometers

Epsilon MODEL 3909 Extensometers for Simple Performance Testing of Asphalt

Epsilon MODEL 3910 Extensometers for Creep Compliance and Tensile Strength Testing of Asphalt

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Epsilon MODELS LE-05 and LE-15 Laser Extensometers

Materials Testing Furnaces with the 7651 High Temperature XY Planar Biaxial Extensometer (1200 °C or 1600 °C)

Measure Strain with the Averaging Axial Extensometers

Measuring Axial and Torsional deflections with the 3550 Axial/Torsional Extensometers

Measuring Axial and Torsional Strains at Temperatures up to (1200 °C or 1600 °C) with the 7650 High Temperature Axial/ Torsional Extensometers

Non-Contacting Laser Extensometers for Strain Measurement in Materials Testing

Precision Optical Extensometers for Breakthrough Performance

Using the Shunt Calibration for any Strain-Gaged Extensometer - An AZoNetwork Site

Epsilon MODEL 3560 Bi-Axial or Axial Averaging Extensometers : Quote, RFQ, Price and Buy

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