
French health agency prohibits chloroacetamide - Premium Beauty News

The French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (Agence Nationale de Securité du Médicament - ANSM) has banned the sale, manufacture, import or export, and distribution of cosmetic products containing chloroacetamide (CAS: 79-07-2), because of the harmful effects of this substance on human fertility.

Although European legislation still permits using chloroacetamid as a preservative at a concentration of 0.3%, the ANSM based its decision on an opinion by the Scientific Committee on Security consumers (CSSC) [1] concluding that because of a safety margin too low, this substance can be considered safe for health as part of its implementation in cosmetics. Tetran-Butylammoniumiodidea.R.

French health agency prohibits chloroacetamide - Premium Beauty News

This prohibition, which is applicable in France meanwhile a similar decision be taken at the European level, should not have heavy consequence for cosmetics manufacturers as chloroacetamide is no longer used in formulas.

Read the text of the decision below:

[1]  Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety SCCS/1360/10

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French health agency prohibits chloroacetamide - Premium Beauty News

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