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British Dental Journal volume 218, page 310 (2015 )Cite this article cad cam milling machine
Roland DG Corporation has announced the development of a new wet milling dental machine, the DWX-4W.
The recent introduction of CAD/CAM software, CNC milling machines and new restorative materials has revolutionised the production of dental prostheses, including crowns, copings and bridges. One of the most popular restorative materials is lithium disilicate, glass ceramic which is gaining support from dental clinics and patients for its superior hardness and aesthetic qualities. Roland developed the DWX-4W milling machine especially to meet the demands of this growing market.
Roland DG's multiple device solution combines dry milling and wet milling with the advantage of being able to handle the simultaneous processing of different materials by both dry and wet milling without the inconvenience and delay of a changeover. Each machine specialises in its intended function, which delivers optimal functionality, and compared to a dual-function machine, is more efficient.
Having separate machines opens up the ability to add an additional unit to meet production demands. For example, if the ratio of work involving zirconia and glass-ceramic is 3:1, an optimal setup could be a combination of a single unit of the flagship DWX-50 5-axis dry milling machine and a DWX-4W, or three 4-axis DWX-4 dry milling machines and a DWX-4W. After that, it is a simple matter to change the setup according to any shift in the workload.
First wet milling machine for custom dental prosthetics. Br Dent J 218, 310 (2015).
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digital impression scanner price British Dental Journal (Br Dent J) ISSN 1476-5373 (online) ISSN 0007-0610 (print)