
When Will the Cicadas Be Gone? The Two Broods Won't Be Around Much Longer - CNET

Don't invite the winged critters to your Fourth of July barbecue, because their time aboveground is winding down.

Not all cicadas have red eyes. Drywall Paper Tape

When Will the Cicadas Be Gone? The Two Broods Won't Be Around Much Longer - CNET

Don't make any long-term plans with those cicadas buzzing around in your backyard. The double-brood emergence that's been dubbed "cicda-geddon" by University of Connecticut cicada expert John Cooley is continuing in parts of the US. But June is already here, and most experts don't predict the winged critters will make it to your Fourth of July barbecue.

"By the end of June, (the cicadas) should mostly be gone," St. Louis University associate biology professor Dr. Kasey Fowler-Finn told Spectrum News.

Once they've completed their mating rituals, these two cicada broods won't be seen above ground for 13 or 17 years, depending on which brood they're from. That means you'll see and hear them again in 2037 and 2041, which sounds like crazy science-fiction years right now.

Illinois seems to appeal to cicadas more than any other state. Experts at the University of Connecticut say that the Land of Lincoln "contains both 13- and 17-year life cycles, all seven currently recognized species, and five separate broods, some of which include disjunct populations." Talk about the Big Noise from Illinois.

The Google Doodle for May 29 celebrated the cicadas, featuring four red-eyed cicadas wailing out in a rock band, filling in for the two Os in the Google logo. Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin created the first Google Doodle in 1998, putting a stick-figure drawing behind the second "o" in the word Google. This was meant as a message to the site's users that the founders were "out of office" at the Burning Man festival. Since then, the company has regularly decorated the logo on to mark notable events.

Google created a Google Doodle for its main search page featuring animated cicadas in honor of the double cicada brood.

The double cicada brood is certainly a notable event. 2024 is the year of two cicada broods emerging almost at the same time in parts of the US. They've been named the Great Southern Brood and the Northern Illinois Brood.

Cicadas have a weird life cycle. They grow underground, but we humans mostly pay attention to them when they emerge into our above-ground world. This year is a doozy for the buzzy little guys. 

There are annual cicadas, which emerge from their underground life every year at various times. Then there are periodical cicadas, which emerge only every 13 or 17 years. Those groupings are called broods and are numbered. Because of their trackable schedule, these broods of periodical cicadas tend to steal all the headlines from their annual cicada comrades.

This summer, it's a double-brood year. That's rare. According to ScienceAlert, the last time it happened was in 1803. One brood on a 13-year cycle -- called Brood XIX -- and another on a 17-year cycle -- called Brood XIII -- were predicted to pop out of the ground in 2024.

Here's what to know if you're on the path.

Brood XIX, also called the Great Southern Brood, is the biggest brood of 13-year periodical cicadas if you go by geographical distribution. It was last seen in 2011 in the Southeast US. Most periodical cicadas are on a 17-year cycle, but Brood XIX is on a 13-year cycle. The two other surviving 13-year broods are expected to return in 2027 and 2028.

This brood emerged in mid-May and as we mentioned above, is expected to stay around through late June. The cicadas tunnel to the surface, mate, lay their eggs and then die off. Look (and listen) for them in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Brood XIII is known as the Northern Illinois Brood. This is one of the 17-year cicada broods. It was last seen in 2007 and should be around until late June, just like Brood XIX. Look for them in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin and possibly Michigan.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, cicadas are about 1 to 1.5 inches long, with a wingspan twice that length. They have black bodies, red-brown eyes and membranous wings with orange veins. The noise that makes them famous is the loud courting sound of the adult males.

The name of the species is pronounced differently in the US, where most people say "suh-KEI-duh," than it is in the UK, where people tend to say, "suh-KAA-dah."

Live and let live; they're temporary and harmless. Cicadas may be noisy, but they don't bite or sting. Unlike termites, they won't chew their way into your house, though they could enter through open doors and windows as other insects can. Pest-control experts say that pesticides don't work on cicadas.

"It's a waste of (pesticide), and it's a danger to the environment just to spray down because you're afraid of the cicadas," one expert told CNET in 2021.

The main problem with the cicadas is obvious: their constant buzzing noise. They're around only for about six weeks, so experts have some ideas for how to keep the sound from driving you buggy.

These aren't cicada-specific remedies, but they work. You might try noise-canceling headphones, white-noise machines or simple earplugs. You can also try some DIY soundproofing, such as weather-stripping foam tape.

Some Americans in the path of the double cicada brood are seeing what they believe at first to be anthills, but are really what's called cicada chimneys. 

Cicada chimneys look kind of like anthills.

According to Prevention magazine, cicada chimneys, also called mud chimneys, are little mud towers that vary in size and are built by cicadas over the hole where they plan to emerge from underground. You don't need to worry about them, they'll serve their purpose and then eventually disintegrate. (CNET's Russell Holly snapped the above image at his Maryland home.)

Climate change brings rising global temperatures, and the cicadas aren't working with a calendar, they're reacting to temperatures. So it's unsurprising that scientists believe climate change affects the cicadas as well.

Chris Simon, a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut, has studied and researched cicadas for years.

"Warmer winters and earlier springs will cause cicadas to come out earlier," Simon told CNET. "Warming climates also increase the growing season in a given area so that cicadas may be ready to emerge from the ground years earlier -- generally four years earlier -- turning 17-year cicada populations into temporary 13-year cicadas. If this happens repeatedly, we hypothesize that 17-year cicadas could become permanent 13-year cicadas."

That change wouldn't reduce the number of cicadas, Simon told CNET, just adjust their schedule. It shouldn't affect the food chain, because "the animals that eat them above ground would see them more often, and the animals that eat them underground would still do so," Simon said.

While it's possible that climate change could force the cicadas to move farther north, that won't be an immediate change. Simon notes that periodical cicadas can move only as adults, and that can happen only for about for weeks every 13 or 17 years. While periodical cicadas can fly, they tend not to move much or migrate long distances. Human-made asphalt and cement obstacles could also prevent the cicadas from taking off to the great white north.

Want to help scientists learn more about periodical cicadas?

"Citizen scientists are critical for filling in the parts of the distribution that we do not have time to visit or unknown parts of the distribution that we can later verify," Simon told CNET.

To help you can download Cicada Safari for iOS or Android, a free app developed by Simon's colleague Gene Kritsky. The app asks people to take a cicada photo using their phone, with geolocation allowed. 

"(Kritsky's) team will verify photos and log the data and share it with us," Simon said.

While cicadas shouldn't hurt large, mature trees, new young trees may be vulnerable. Female cicadas like to lay their eggs on trees where new leaves are located, puncturing the branches and possibly causing leaves to wither, turn brown and even snap. So if you live in a cicada territory, hold off on planting any new trees until they're gone, which should be in late June.

If you have new small trees and are worried about cicada damage, you may want to loosely wrap their trunks and the areas where twigs meet the branches. You can use cheesecloth, foil tape, barrier tape or sticky tape. You could also use landscaping nets around smaller trees. CNET has a guide to tree protection against cicadas.

You can actually eat cicadas. Don't even try it if you have seafood allergies, because cicadas are related to shrimp and lobster.

If you're made of tough stuff and don't get easily grossed out by unusual foods, there are plenty of simple cicada recipes on the web. An expert from Johns Hopkins University says they're "quite tasty" but admits "the yuck factor" might keep most of us from even trying.

When Will the Cicadas Be Gone? The Two Broods Won't Be Around Much Longer - CNET

Double Sided Tape Dots The good news is that if your dog wolfs a few down -- and dog owners know some pups will eat literally anything -- cicadas shouldn't harm them. Just watch that they don't choke from eating too many at once.