
India: installed energy capacity by type 2024 | Statista

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India's highest energy capacity came from thermal energy, amounting to an installed capacity of over 243 thousand megawatts as of February 2024. Close to 70 percent of the country’s electricity generation was from thermal power plants. Coal dominated power supply with a contribution of over 86 percent through thermal power plants. Along with coal, thermal power is generated from lignite, diesel, and gas. 

NTPC Limited, formerly known as National Thermal Power Corporation, is the largest power company in India. The country’s largest coal-based power plant in Madhya Pradesh is owned and operated by NTPC. The company’s energy sales have been increasing over the years. Recently, the energy conglomerate has ventured into generating electricity from renewable resources.

According to the Central Electricity Authority of India, about 50 percent of the country's power supply will be generated by renewable energy sources by 2030. The south Asian country's government was committed to increased use of clean energy sources and has already witnessed a linear growth in the renewable energy capacity. Additionally, the projects are aimed to create employment opportunities, especially in rural areas.

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* RES stands for renewable energy sources and includes small hydro project, biomass power, urban and industrial waste power, solar and wind energy as of February 29, 2024.

Share of electricity consumption in India FY 2023, by sector

Electricity generated in India FY 2016-2023, by source

Share of natural gas consumption in India FY 2023, by sector

Peak power demand India FY 2020, by region

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