
NETZSCH Presents Further Development of the NEMO Progressing Cavity Pump | - The Online Pump Magazine

The further development of the NEMO progressing cavity pump: NEMO MY magnetically coupled pump (Image source: NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH)

The pump has been specially designed for safer and more sustainable conveying of fluids with high viscosity, such as slurries in battery production. The magnetic coupling of the new NEMO MY was specially developed by NETZSCH. A special feature of the pump is its complete hermetic seal, which creates a safer working environment by preventing the escape of aggressive, toxic or abrasive liquids and gases. In addition, this contributes to significant cost savings, as sealing systems do not require maintenance and risks that can occur due to leaks are minimised. Corrosion Resistant Pump

NETZSCH Presents Further Development of the NEMO Progressing Cavity Pump | - The Online Pump Magazine

The innovative design of the pump enables operation at low speeds of 200 to 300 revolutions per minute, which leads to a significant reduction in mechanical load and thus extends the service life of the drive system.

The NEMO MY also enables the pumping of extremely viscous media up to 20,000 cps. This application was previously not possible using magnetically coupled pumps. The pump is also suitable for applications that require the ATEX standard and can therefore be used in various applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries without any problems.

Compared to conventional pumps with mechanical seals or other sealing systems, the further development of the NEMO offers significant cost advantages. No external services are required to operate the magnetic drive pump. Costs for pressurised gas, sealing liquid or electrical connections for pressure and level switches are completely eliminated.

"With the further development of our NEMO progressive cavity pump, you can look forward to a real highlight. Cost-intensive mechanical seals or other sealing systems are now a thing of the past,’ says Roger Willis, Global Business Field Manager Chemical, Pulp & Paper.

Source: NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH

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From varnish and sealants up to lubricants: Whenever users in industry want to pump large quantities of highly viscous media, they run the risk of altering the quality and integrity of the pumped liquids. Lutz Pumpen has developed the solution to this problem. Its new TR series wobble plate pumps enable the sensitive pumping of up to 30,000 litres of highly viscous liquids per hour. This new development will be on display at Achema 2024.

The latest addition to the ViSCO.series, the ViSCO.pharma, strengthens Beinlich Pumpen’s portfolio of progressiv cavity pumps. The specially developed pump precisely fulfils the filling and dosing requirements of the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. – Inform. Select. Buy.

NETZSCH Presents Further Development of the NEMO Progressing Cavity Pump | - The Online Pump Magazine

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